Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hi. My name is Jessie.

When I was little I was a freak.

Maybe a few people who know me well would say I still am, but here's why I was then: I dressed up like characters from movies, books, TV shows, and tried to act like them. I had these American Girl Dolls that I was obsessed with and brought everywhere probably until I was twelve. I dressed up like them too. I sat on my porch and shot at pop cans and talked like Granny Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies. I sat up in a tree in my front yard in a little Indian outfit with a bow and arrow and shot at squirrels. My parents would say I was "creative" and "imaginative" but no. I was weird. I went to a private Christian school full of jerks and hypocrites, and I didn't understand why I only had three friends there. It took me about a year and a half of public school to normal me up. Kind of.

I'm still a total weirdo, just in different ways. I dress up, but not like random characters. I write, and can spend hours doing it, getting lost in a character I created. That's what my weirdness has turned into.

I love taking pictures. I believe capturing every important moment is vital and that's how you remember the best events in your life and all the tiny little details of them. Images also help capture the reader's attention in magazines. It's also how children learn to read. They see a picture of a tree with the word tree next to it and learn how to associate one with the other. Having a world without pictures would just plain suck.

Tuesdays are my favorite day of the school week. I have youth group at Oakland Church of the Nazarene and tend to not have much homework. I hang out with my boyfriend before church and then we go together. That's where we met. I've known him my whole life because we've both always gone there, but we really got to know each other at camp in Missouri last summer. We started dating last September, so it's almost been a year, and a very good one at that! He's a senior, he plays soccer, and has four younger siblings. They love me. He's nice, super smart, and pretttty dang cute. His name is Jared by the way.

I spent forever coming up with a name for this blog, and today it rained. I like being outside when it's dark and rainy, and for some reason I just thought of how well you can see rain on a pitch black night under a streetlamp. That's all. No real deep reasoning behind it. I just notice weird things and my mind wanders back to them and sometimes that's good. And that's me. 


  1. Dear Jessica,

    This is a psychiatrist from St.Mary's Insitute of Safe Haven. I think you are crazy and would be delighted to make room for you in the intesive treadment ward. I would like for you to deeply consider my offer.

    Love, Panashe (:

  2. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;) haha you need treatment.
