Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm in love with fried chicken.

It will never ever change. No one will ever do anything to convince me that I shouldn't eat it, or other meats.

I have vegetarian friends, and I fully understand their points. I just don't believe they are 100% valid; they have flaws. The biggest point I've heard is the treatment of animals. Another one is the nutrition and healthiness of meat vs no meat.

I love animals and I agree that they are treated poorly in many slaughterhouses or farms or wherever they are raised and killed. But frankly- I don't care enough not to eat meat. If I paid more attention to it, I'm guessing I'd feel bad about how poorly some of them are treated, but I'm avoiding it because I don't want to feel guilty biting into a juicy leg of Popeye's chicken. I do not think I would ever be guilted into being a complete veg-head though. I love meat and I believe it's okay to eat it. There is only once in my life when I refused to eat any bird-meat. I was about 8 years old and I had pet ducks. The first morning we left them outside over night, a coyote ate them. Imagine a little girl going outside and seeing a mangled baby duck in her yard. That's why I couldn't eat birds for a week or so. But I don't really see how people care so much if they haven't seen in person a harmed animal like that. And my case wasn't even related to the consuming of animal products.

Another thing vegetarians need to understand is that the animal was raised for killing. They wouldn't be alive ever if that was not their purpose in life. Animals don't have emotions like people- and here's my biggest argument to veg-heads- they don't have souls. They aren't human beings. They don't have jobs, other than being eaten or used for other products. That is their purpose here on earth- to nourish the people God created.

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.         -Genesis 9:3
 This verse shows that God says it's okay to eat meat. That's what it's for, just like plants. Plants are living too, they just don't have brains. But neither have souls, so it's okay to eat. (This does NOT mean Gingers are okay to eat.)

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.          -Romans 14:1-3
 And it's okay to be a vegetarian! I'm not saying it's not. I'm just saying it's okay to eat meat and it's not wrong at all. Now the Bible does say the weak eats only vegetables. (I'm gonna pull that one on my dad next time he makes me eat spinach.)  I'm not sure what that means, but I think it just means that it takes stronger people to not care so much about eating meat. Weak people falter as they really think about eating animals. However, it's not wrong to not eat animals, and it's not wrong to eat them either.

There are many more verses, but these two stuck out the most, and addressed the issue most directly.

Another thing that really bothers me is how these "animal rights" activists think it's so wrong to kill an animal, but not a baby in the womb. Apparently, some chicken who will only live a few years anyway, is a higher priority and hits them harder than a baby never having the chance of life. Now that is wrong.

Now I love meat, and I love non-meat things like pasta. Humans are made to be omnivores, consumers of both. But if one chooses to eat only meat or mostly meat, they shouldn't be looked at as "mean" or "heartless" because of it. It is fine, and yes, it's sad how they treat animals but I don't think that directly relates to us at our houses eating meat. We aren't treating them that way, and we don't see it. Besides, they're just animals raised to be in our bellies. You wouldn't eat pets, but these aren't pets, and that is what vegetarians need to understand. It is fine for me to chow down on my 13 piece from Popeye's.

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