Sunday, January 27, 2013


The whole world is copying me.

I guess I'm just a hipster or something, because I wear certain things before everyone else thinks it's cool. 

People from fashion magazines have obviously just been following me around since I was a little kid because most things I've worn that I was "sooo weird" for wearing, have become in style a year or so after I have worn it in public. Sorry I'm so trendy, but could I please get some privacy? Gosh. 

In elementary school, after I dressed like a boy for a few years, I had some pretty "weird" fashion. I dressed like a little Native American girl. Though it's not in style to wear a little brown Indian dress around and climb in trees with a bow and arrow, the whole "Aztec" thing is in. Aztec-y patterns are very stylish this year on pants and jewelry. I wore lots of jewelry and headbands with those kinds of designs on them. There's also a lot of Native American inspired jewelry out there. Feather earrings, turquoise, beads, silver metal with designs in it, earring cuffs, leather bracelets-All things I had as a young child to look more native, that I can now wear to be fashionable because it's in. Moccasins are also in style. I have four pairs of moccasins that fit right now, but when I was little I had some and it was "weird." 

I also liked to dress up like a cowgirl. I wore plaid and boots almost every day in middle school and late elementary school it seems like, and it was so odd to some people. Well, a year later, everyone loved plaid. Now in high school, all these city girls wear cowboy boots day in and day out. At least I had a reason to dress like that. It's who I was, but all of them are just copying me because they obviously want to be just like me. *hair flipping girl emoji* 

Combat boots are oh so popular right now. Some of them I love. Some look big and clunky and stupid. But, the ones that are really "in" I wouldn't even call combat boots. They're seriously just English riding boots. I have black riding boots, the short lace up kind that everyone would now call "combat boots." I wore them a few years ago often, and it was super weird to people. Now I wear them like twice a week and get compliments! It's because they look exactly the same as these shoes everyone's buying right now. Literally exactly the same. But I had them first. So ha.

I also used to wear very vintage-y things all the time and I was seen as a freak. I didn't wear them right, but I wore them. Now, things I could find in my closet or my parent's closet is all I see on Pinterest. I have my own little thrift shop in my mom's closet. It can be pretty handy. 

Ugly sweaters are almost actually... trendy right now. I had the ugliest of ugly sweaters when I was younger. I had a red one with a fuzzy-bearded Santa and all sorts of things dangling off of it that would now be perfect for ugly sweater time before Christmas. Now that it's not Christmas, I still see big sweaters being worn around and such. I used to wear big sweaters. And turtle necks. Now you're all nerds for copying that freaky little geeky girl who wore sweaters. So there. 

I was the first person in Kennedy with that canvas draw string backpack. All the rest copied me. I had it either end of freshman year or beginning of sophomore year I believe. I got it from Urban Outfitters and I was the only one with that kind of backpack at the time. People told me they liked it. Finally, one thing that was different about me that wasn't deemed weird. Within a month or so, everyone else started getting these bags. Now mine isn't special. So that's lame. 

All through middle school I went through a perm phase. Now that I look back, I didn't always have the best perms. They began to look better the older I got. But I was the only person with curly hair! I loved curly hair and I loved Taylor Swift. Okay, maybe she started this one, but I was one of the first to pick up the trend. Everyone else straightened their hair evvvvvery day. I had sort of naturally curly hair and I didn't even own a straightener for the longest time. The point is, I was different for having curly hair. Now, everyone wants curly hair it seems like! People don't straighten it like they used to, and many even curl it every day. I've always loved curly hair. People take too long to realize I'm right when it comes to style I guess. *Sigh...*

I also had the whole "ombre" thing going on before it was ever a style. In 8th grade I think it was, I had really long hair that was dark on the top and light on the bottom. I loved it. That was before anyone ever purposely dyed their hair like that that I know of. My hair always does that after summer but it wasn't until this year that it was stylish and people started noticing how awesome my hair looked. 

So world, thank you for taking all my wonderful looks over the years into Hollywood. I guess they do say that copying someone is the greatest form of flattery. But calling someone a freak so they stop dressing like that so then you can display that same style in magazines shortly after to get all the credit is NOT okay! Animals. Look at yourselves. You're dressing the same way as an elementary school girl who liked to dress up like different characters from books and movies. WHO'S THE WEIRDO NOW? 

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