Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Seniors.

It's 2013 and it sucks.

I graduate in 2014, which is the sucky part of what sucks. Many of my friends graduate this year.

I’m not just talking about my boyfriend, Jared, who is also currently a senior, I’m talking mainly about my other friends from church. I have friends at school who are seniors as well, and I’ll miss them too. The senior high youth group is made up of mostly all seniors, mainly girls. I’m really not that close to them, but I still love them just as much as my close friends. I look up to each of them in a way, and I admire what wonderful people they all are. I’m closer to some more than others, and they all go to Kennedy. I’m used to seeing them 6 out of 7 days of the week, including Tuesday nights at youth group as well as Sunday mornings at church. They’ve all impacted my life much more than they could possibly know, and I’m sure they all have wonderful futures ahead of them.

Maureen. Probably my most attractive friend, like ever. She’s tall and skinny with gorgeous hair and a killer smile. I’m pretty sure she’s a supermodel in another life. She’s beautiful on the outside, but she’s 100 times as beautiful on the inside. She’s one of the most caring people I know. And not just for her friends, but for everyone. She’s kind to anyone she meets and makes them feel loved. Everyone who’s ever talked to her says she’s super nice. To me, at least, this girl really has it all together. She makes good choices and influences others in a positive way. She’s very mature, unlike most girls at Kennedy. She knows when to be calm and quiet, but also when to act silly and have fun. She’s also my awkward-dance partner.

Ayla. My fellow J-Biebs, T-Swift lover. This girl is crazy. And awesome. She’s great at making me smile, even when I’m having a bad day. Sometimes I just hate school and want to leave, then I see her smiling at me in the hallway saying, “Hey cutie!” and we shake hands like always. Suddenly my day is better. She’s funny and friendly and just a great person to be around. Not a dull moment goes by with Ayla. She’s full of compliments to give and smiles to create. I’m definitely going to miss seeing her every day.

Grace. We both share a love of writing and journalism. She really inspires me to keep writing. She’s so persistent, whether it’s writing or running. She runs, which I could never do, but she makes me want to try. And the best thing about her is, she bases everything she does around God. That’s one of the things I admire most about her. She also reminds me of my mom sometimes. She also was a writer, a journalist, she worked towards many of the same things that Grace does. My mom was also a pastor’s daughter like Grace, and had to move because of his job some. Grace has the best laugh, and she laughs a lot. She has blonde curly hair that I’d kill for, and she totally knows she’s gorgeous. She’s just a really great and well-rounded person and I want to be more like her.

Riley. Everyone who knows Riley loves her. She’s so friendly and happy all the time. Even if she doesn’t feel good, she’s still kind and makes people feel good about themselves. She’s spunky and cute and just has a personality that makes you want to be around her. She’s very open and shares things that could help others. Riley is one of the main techies for show choir, and I have heard multiple people say she’s good at what she does. She’s a really helpful person, and she’s happy to help. She’s always so positive about everything, something I need to be more.

Anna. I haven’t seen Anna too much lately, but when I do she always looks so cute. She’s crazy and fun, but also very mature. She’s involved in school and she’s a really bright person-both in her personality and her mind. She’s very friendly and easy to talk to; not shy or snobby one bit. She’s a good person and makes smart choices and I can see her going far in life.

Cara. Cara is very smart. She’s in higher level classes and is going to have a great future. She’s not defined by that though. She’s also very sensitive, though you’d never know it without going to church with her. She cares about others and has good ideas. She’s funny, but not at all in an obnoxious way. She bases what she does around God and doesn’t hide that. She’s really nice and responsible, but knows when it’s time to have fun too. She’s a different awkward-dance partner of mine.

Brooke. She always always always includes others and I love that about her. She’s a great host, which is good because she often organizes small events and gatherings for her church friends. She’s planned bonfires, sledding, trips to Palo beach, all things that are some of my greatest memories of this time in my life. She’s also very smart, and can be quiet but in a good way. She’s kind and used to give me rides to church sometimes. I’m very thankful for Brooke.

Heather. She’s another very helpful person; always willing to get others what they need and helping them through whatever it is. She’s very mature and sometimes I forget that she’s only a year older than me. She has a beautiful voice. I’m jealous of her for that. She’s welcoming  to all people, not just her close friends. She’s currently in one of my classes and it’s great getting to talk to her more than just in the hall every day.

Bailey. I got to know Bailey better the summer before last at camp. She was very open and she’s also a great listener. I don’t know her that well still, but from what I see she’s very responsible. She’s in show choir, and I admire her for being in that and also staying away from any negative influences that would be very easy to be involved in. She always has really cute dresses and a great smile. And she smiles a lot.

Sidney. We met when I was in 6th grade and we played softball together. My dad was the coach and Sidney was our best pitcher. She started coming to my church and she has always been one of the kindest people I know. She is so extremely caring and wants to do whatever she can to help someone. She’s a good leader and she’s very mature and polite to everybody. She’s not judgmental at all and makes people feel good. She’s a great influence on others and is willing to do whatever she can to help someone out. She’s quiet, but also really friendly and welcoming.

Betty. She hasn’t been coming as long as these other girls, but Betty is just awesome. She is crazy and hilarious. She’s one of the funniest people I know. She’s also very open and talkative and wants to know more about God. She’s a really in depth person in that way. She’s  great to be around and even if I haven’t laughed all day, it’s impossible not to at least chuckle when Betty’s around. She has a heart for people that she doesn’t even know. Everyone loves her. I hear people at school talking about how great she is all the time. People who don’t even really know her know she’s awesome and hilarious. She always waves and says hi to me in the hallway and is always so bright and cheery.

Of course there are more seniors from my church who have impacted me, but these are just the ones who also go to my school. They all share similar qualities that make them such great people. They’re all super friendly and caring. They are they kind of people kids need to surround themselves with. I know they’ll all do great in college and will continue to stay good people. They’ve made a positive impact on my life and I’m sure on many others’ as well. They might not be my best friends that I hang out with all the time, but I feel like I’ve really gotten to know them and that’s definitely a blessing. I don’t know what I’m going to do without them greeting me at school and hugging me at church. They make me think, “Wow, people actually love me for no apparent reason.” And that’s awesome. Not many people can make others feel that way. It makes me cry to think about them not being around all the time. I’m sure they don’t even realize how great they all really are because they’re just naturally nice and beautiful people. 

I'm going to miss you guys.