Thursday, April 18, 2013

Old People Taking Over Facebook

The 40+ generation has taken over.

Taken over Facebook.

Has anyone noticed that the only posts they see are from angsty freshmen/middle schoolers and middle aged adults posting every detail about their day?

Adults have always criticized teens for posting every detail of their life on Twitter or Facebook. Now they do it more than us. They don't just post the acceptable one-sentence "Just got coffee from Starbucks yum". They post a PARAGRAPH about their trip to Starbucks, other miscellaneous errands they ran, the conversations they had with each person, and how their dog peed all over the couch while they were gone. Do they think people care? Like, get a diary Uncle Darrel. I'm fine with SHORT posts about something funny your small child or pet did, but we don't care about how your dog is doing three weeks after it was neutered. We don't want to read a 5000 word paragraph about your day at the airport. We don't want to see a picture of the dinner you make every single night. We don't want to scroll through all of your reposts of a political ad. We don't care about how you wish things were back to how they were in the 60's. We don't want to read about your new "pain or ache of the week". We really, really do not want you to comment on every picture we post and say something embarrassing. We don't want you to post on our page about something stupid we did when we were little, or how much we've changed, or grown up. We don't want you to comment on our weird facial expressions. We don't want you to write a paragraph in the comments of our changed relationship status. We don't want you to post 83578926359 words about your time at the Gather's concert.

THEN these old people say "LOL." They think it's all hip and cool to type like a middle-schooler. "I had fun with u 2day, thx 4 spending the day with me and i hope ur dog gets better LOL!" Please stop. Please. It's just annoying and stupid and weird. It bothers me when people my age do it, it bothers me more when old people do it. Especially when they capitalize LOL every time. I wish they just wouldn't say "lol" but why capitalize it if you must? I mean, I get it's an acronym, but capitalizing it just makes you look way overly excited about something that probably isn't even funny.

So please stop, dear elderly people. We love you, yet, we really don't want to know about every minute detail of your life. And then you make fun of us for doing that.... Look at yourselves! You people are on Facebook more than most teenagers I know. What's next, Twitter? The old people will be "twittering" (as they call it) about their aches and pains. Their dog's aches and pains. How they accidentally spilled coffee on their carpet. Please understand, we appreciate you... but WE DON'T CARE. xoxoxo

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