Monday, September 3, 2012

Smokers. Grr.

I hate smokers.

Not necessarily the people themselves, but the fact that they smoke. Do they not have any consideration for people around them? And they obviously don't care about themselves and their own health, but there's plenty of other ways to kill yourself since that's what they're basically doing that won't hurt others around them.

When I'm walking somewhere and pass a smoker I usually cough pretty loudly so they get the hint "Hey, you're nasty and you're hurting my lungs." I can't stand the smell of it, not any kind of smoke besides out of a campfire. Cigarettes are the worst, but at the fair this summer a man was smoking a cigar decently far away from me and the smell made me sick to my stomach. I just hate it. How can people enjoy putting that into their lungs? How can being choked up feel good? I wish they'd just make all smoking illegal. It doesn't matter what, cigarettes, cigars, a corn cob pipe, some ceremonial peace pipe, a hookah, and most importantly, what is illegal-crack and marijuana- should stay illegal.

Smoking anything is illegal for people under 18 for a reason. The decision making part of out brain, the frontal cortex, still changes and matures even up until we're well into our adult lives. Most life-time smokers get started at a young age, before that part of our brain is developed and they can't make a good rational decision about it. Yes, they've been taught all the consequences like lung cancer and yellow teeth, but for some reason that doesn't stop them from trying it, and it's probably because they can't make good decisions yet. Under-age kids should never even start smoking because it's addictive and honestly, we're dumb and young and should listen when they tell us it's bad and should pay attention to the no one under 18 signs. There's a fine line between trying it one time and getting addicted.

And that goes for weed too. From what I've heard, you don't get high the first time. So people do it a second time. Then they like the feeling, so they keep doing it, never mind the harm that it causes. That's another thing I've heard, "Oh, well weed isn't even as harmful as tobacco products." Really? Yes it is. It's an illegal gateway drug that could lead to much worse illegal drugs. Pretty soon someone who just wanted to try marijuana once, will be a meth-addict. Okay, maybe that's an extreme case, but I've heard of it happening a lot. And, it's ILLEGAL! It's bad! If you get caught, you're in big trouble. Isn't that enough to keep people away? I guess not, because so many people do it. Do they not care about getting in trouble? Also, it IS harmful to your body. It has mind-altering substances in it, that will make you do things you wish you wouldn't have, even if you say it's not particularly harmful to your body, the afterward effects can be. But I have news for you, it IS harmful to your body. Sometimes it can contain cancer causing chemicals, it gives you impaired judgement, bad motor skills, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, can lead to lung, head, and neck cancer, causes harm to things called "T-cells" that help fight infection and keep your immune system on track, can cause slow development in younger teens, can decrease fertility, and cause breast enlargement in males. And people will laugh if that last one happens to you. So those are the "harmless" effects of marijuana people speak of. Personally, I don't want any of those. It also can make you depressed. Many depressed people go to drugs like marijuana, but it only hurts them more. It's just making the pain go away for a little bit while you're high, but it'll come right back when you're not, maybe even worse than before.

Smokers really just get under my skin. They're inconsiderate that someone with a small child may be near, and they just keep on puffin', hurting the lungs of innocent citizens around them. They just throw their nasty used stubs on the ground, littering and making beaches gross to walk on in your bare feet. They smell bad and have weird voices after smoking for a long time. They have bad breath, (who would ever kiss a smoker? That's gross!!) They waste their money on it and then try to get money from the government that the hard working tax payers had to pay. They're just inconsiderate people, whether they realize it or not and are killing themselves while having a good ole smoke.

Stupid smokers.

Some info gathered from

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