Sunday, October 21, 2012

Babies are People too.

Abortion is wrong. 

I don't care what other people say, it is wrong and I know that for sure. I don't even think this is an "opinion" because I can't even fathom that other people believed it's not wrong to kill someone. 

Abortion is one of the most debated about topics today, especially with the election. I do believe there are very few exceptions in which abortion should be allowed, but those should not be stretched at all.

I believe it should only be legal for rape, or if it is going to kill the mother, or if the baby is going to die during birth and they know that for sure. Otherwise, it is not okay. Even with incest, I still am not 100% sure that's an okay reason to have an abortion because I don't really know the effects of incest. 

Just because a baby isn't born yet, does not mean they don't have life. After just 5 weeks babies begin to have heartbeats. That is one of the first things that happens and a heartbeat means life. Most women who get abortions get them within the first 8 weeks, but even if it's after week 4 or 5, they are killing something with a heartbeat. What really bothers me, are these people who say, "it's not okay to kill trees!" or all of these animal rights activists, saying we shouldn't eat or kill animals, and yet, THEY are often the ones who think abortion should be legal because it's a "right." Well, those people are speaking up for the rights of things that can't speak up for themselves, such as trees or animals, which are also living things. But, they will not speak up for the rights of unborn babies who can't speak for themselves much like trees or animals. With that, they are hypocritical and it is an abomination to me. Human life is more important than lives of plants or animals and that is how God created the Earth. 

Most abortions after 12 weeks are from teenagers. Babies at 12 weeks have the general shape of a human being. They have limbs, and little fingers and toes. They have lips. They are starting to be able to move their fingers and toes some. They have intestines and are completely a living being inside of a mother. Unfortunately, many girls and women decide to end the life of their child now, making them selfish murderers if it's only because of their mistakes. The reason many teenage girls don't decide to have an abortion until then is just because they are indecisive and don't know what to do, or don't even realize they are pregnant. Well, the only way to be 100% sure you aren't pregnant is to not have sex. But, these girls are too impatient to wait. They choose to be selfish and do it anyway, not caring about the consequences. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control which it often is for teenagers. They get the idea that if they get pregnant, oh well, they can just get an abortion and no one has to know. They murder their baby because of their own stupid mistake, but shouldn't the baby have rights? We need to speak up for this unborn child and condemn the mother for being a murderer if that's what she chooses to do. She better feel guilty later. Hopefully she will realize her selfishness, thinking that her and her life and what people thought of her was more important than someone else even getting a chance at life. 

Women who get abortions should not be allowed to be mothers again. They killed someone, after all, and murders shouldn't raise children. Of course, like I said before, there should be exceptions of rape or extreme serious health concerns, but other than that, if abortions have to stay legal, they should at least not allow them to be mothers. I'm a girl and I'm saying this. Women complain about how non-abortion violates "women's rights." Well I don't think it does. There's often the phrase, "women should get to choose what happens to their bodies." Uh, okay, then what about the babies? Shouldn't they get to choose what happens to theirs? Women and pro-abortion people say no. Why? Because the mothers "matter more" for some reason. And having a heavy lump on their stomach is more of a big deal to them than killing someone apparently. That just shows that they do not have the kindness, selflessness, or right to be a mother later. If they didn't want it to happen, they shouldn't have made it a chance. 

Abortion should be illegal. It's not an opinion. It's the truth. Murder is illegal. 

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