Sunday, October 7, 2012

I don't get sports.

I have never, and probably will never, understand the point of competitive sports.

Do sports really matter? Not really. I mean, it's entertainment so yes, but it doesn't matter if you win or lose so I do not see the point of getting angry over a loss. It's not going to really affect your life unless you are a professional sports player. It frustrates me that people get so angry over something as silly as what is known as a game. It's for fun, so it shouldn't make you mad! 

High school sports are not to get worked up about. For example, during my sophomore year I played basketball. There was so much drama that was really unneeded. People got mad at each other over this stupid game when we lost. They got mad at us for not crying and being mad at ourselves after the loss. I didn't get why I should be mad at myself. It was just a game, and I didn't even play in it so why do I care? They made such a huge deal out of it. Out of one stupid game. It just makes me wonder how incredibly awesome these people's lives must be if they are getting angry and upset over a stupid sophomore basketball game. If it's that big of a deal than everything else just must be amazing, because a game does not affect me at all. 

I understand people like to win. You worked hard and maybe think you deserve it, and a win is a good reward, but what do you gain from it? Just a good feeling? Why can't you feel good after a loss where you played really hard and did better than you ever had before? Unless you're looking for some huge scholarship or to play a sport after high school why does it matter if you win or lose? Besides, scholarships care more about individual performance than how your team did, so people shouldn't get mad at their team mates for not being as good as them. That happened to me a lot last year which is why I'm not playing basketball again this year. I'm not too great at sports. I've played since kindergarten but only in YMCA leagues or little church leagues, which were never competitive and sometimes didn't even keep score. I was never in any club basketball and some of my teammates somehow expected me to be as good as them and have the same drive to win and not care about who they hurt along the way just like they did. I was slow and the shortest one on the team and I think I got a total of 2 minutes playing time last year because all the team cared about was winning. I just wanted to play for FUN. Because that's that I've always been told sports are about, getting in shape and having fun. Unfortunately, that's not offered in high school. 

People just shouldn't be so hard on themselves over sports and need to remember it's just a game and it's not going to ruin their life if they lose every now and then. 

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