Sunday, March 31, 2013

Why I Hate the North


Actually just the north in general.

It's cold. It's ugly. Winter lasts for 6 months and there's only like 3 or 4 months of beautiful blooming plants and time to tan and swim. The people here don't have cute drawls when they speak. They don't have that southern charm. 

Now to the things I hate in which I feel I must type in caps lock. 



Whew. That felt good. Now I'll continue.

Not everyone has a gun! You get judged if you have a rebel flag on anything (or everything). Not everyone goes to church like they do down there.

 It snows. A lot. 

Like really, I'd be fine if it snowed for a week or two over Christmas, but FIVE OR SIX MONTHS?! No. It is (technically) SPRING. THERE IS SNOW ON THE GROUND. And then there's these fools wearing shorts all around and breaking out their flip-flops as soon as it's over 32!

The houses here are ugly. They're all plastic siding with no brick and hardly any wood. The dirt is sand. Not clay. Your car gets rusty from all the salt and ice and slush from the endless winter. There are no beaches. Palo does NOT count. There are too many tight neighborhoods where you can reach out your window and touch your neighbor's house. There isn't hanging moss from the trees. There's just not enough trees in general. I mean, I love corn but I hate cornfields and that's all I see here. The land is just boring and flat. There are tiny hills. There's no mountains or huge lakes in Iowa. There's no cliffs or sharp zigzag roads. The cars here suck. In the south there are soooo many mustangs, which I love. Everyone wears cowboy boots and all the men hunt. Did I mention how good the food is there? 

I need to leave. 


I love to write.

Lately, I have no idea what to write about.

Whenever I blog I feel like it must be about something important. I don't like just writing pointless filler blogs to get to my 3 blog or 1200 word minimum. The word count isn't hard for me because I usually write one super long blog about something I feel strongly about that reaches 1200 words alone. The problem is thinking of shorter topics for my other two. I don't want to waste a topic that I could write 2000 words on and go way over the word count, I'd rather save it for my long post the next week. 

I've loved to write since I was little. I would always be writing short stories or little songs just for fun. I was so creative and imaginative. I had the widest vocabulary of anyone close to my age. I read thesauruses for fun. I knew more about grammar than most adults. Now we don't learn about that. I'm losing my abilities. High school has trained the creativity right out of me. Now we write about real things, not made up and imaginary things. It's harder to use imagery in non-fiction writing. I was always so good at that. It sucks that my talents are being wasted. Now I am told to write critically, don't add fluff, don't over-exaggerate.

But I liked that. 

I loved letting my imagination run wild and make up crazy fictional stories. I'd write about things I wanted to happen or things I dreamed about. I hate being a teenager. I used to read and spend time before bed making up stories in my mind. Now I read Twitter and newsy stuff online. Boring. I just want to be creative like I used to. I want to describe the scenery of a made up place and create some perfectly silly made up character. 

I wish there was an AP-Creative Writing class. Not everyone grows up to be journalists or adult authors. There has to be some children's authors. That's what I used to always want to be. That's what I was good at writing. I'm afraid that now that I'm not practicing my creative writing skills, they are disappearing. 

Thanks high-school, for taking my imagination away.  :(

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Once Upon a Time I Stated My Opinion

In America, there is such a thing as freedom of speech.

We are free to share our opinions openly, and we should be able to do that without people calling us names and saying we are "ignorant." People think different things, that doesn't mean they are stupid.

Yesterday people were encouraged to wear red to support gay marriage. Everyone was tweeting about how our country is so stupid and horrible for this not being legal by 2013. I am one of the few people who does not believe that. I decided my side's voice should be heard. I said a few things, not at all hurtful or rude in my opinion. Yet, within a couple minutes of tweeting that marriage is supposed to be a religious event and such, I was BOMBARDED with replies back. Most I decided to respond to, so maybe they could understand what I was saying better. Others, (specifically some girl who called me an "ignorant bitch" for stating my opinion and sharing what I truly believe is right) were not worth my time or worries.

They misinterpreted what I was saying completely. I was in no way discriminating against gay people. I was saying marriage in general is supposed to be a religious event. Unfortunately in today's society marriage has lost all moral value. Marriage is ALREADY sooooo corrupt. The number of divorces is sickening, both in and outside the church. Why add one more wrong to what is already falling apart? Marriage now is seen as legal matters and the commitment of love.

It's so much more than that.

 Marriage is an idea that was brought up by the Christian church. It's a Christian tradition and ceremony. It's the joining of two bodies in Christ. Marriage takes God. Actually, love takes God. There would be no love without God, and there should be love in a marriage. I'm not saying gay couples don't love each other, but that is not how it is supposed to be. Marriage today is really not marriage at all. It should probably just be called something else. I understand the legalization of it is important, and I'm not saying gay people can't have that! Politically, they should have the legalization of their commitment. It just shouldn't be called marriage. Neither should non-religious weddings. It's missing the main part of an actual marriage which is the spiritual bond. It takes God to have a successful marriage (and I mean real marriage, not what society calls marriage.)

I know this is hard to grasp for non-Christians, it's even a little confusing for me to put together and make sense out of because I am so used to just thinking of marriage as a husband and wife. I'm kind of just appalled that people erupted on me so much. It's not like I was being one of those people saying, "Being gay is wrong...God hates gays....Gay people are gross." That would be a very horrible thing to do and those people that say God hates gays are SO very wrong. God loves everyone. It makes Him sad that people go against His will and choose to be gay, but He still loves them. So next time, you can call those people who say such horrid things "ignorant bitches" and not someone who was trying to reach a compromise and not being at all offensive.

I love gay people. They're still people. We should still love them just like everyone else. The fact that I think it's wrong to be gay doesn't mean that I dislike them. I'm friends with a few people who smoke or drink at this age-all of which I think is wrong. I still love them. I just hate their sin. That's also hard for non-Christians to grasp. However, the fact that I think it's not okay to be gay had nothing to do with what I was arguing-but people seemed to think it did. I was just simply arguing that, since marriage is a holy and religious thing, something unholy and nonreligious shouldn't be included in it. Sure, there is separation of church and state, but there is NOT separation of church and marriage. (Again, I'm talking about the REAL meaning of marriage.) I was not saying that you can't be gay because it isn't right according to MY religion. That would violate separation of church and state. In America you can be whatever religion you want. So if you think it's okay to be gay, that's fine. Just don't take OUR special meanings and ceremonies and place them into your secular culture. 

Mostly, I was offended at people criticizing me for sharing what I believe is right. I'm worried about the future of this country and the future of families. I was gone that morning from school to take me dad to the doctor when that whole Twitter thing happened. I didn't want to go back. I was afraid of the glares and nasty whispers from person to person that would go on about me. I'm not the kind of person who stirs up anything. This idea of causing drama or getting into an argument over Twitter is foreign to me. I just mind my own business. If I get chastised and if I am literally scared to go back to school the ONE time I speak out, what is that saying about our freedoms? How am I supposed to feel encouraged to be heard? I don't want people to hate me just for trying to get my voice heard ONCE. They thought I was being judgmental when really, others were judging ME for sharing the unpopular notion. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to teach my children the ways of the popular culture in fear of them being bullied if they do not conform to the opinions of others. Everything is so reversed right now and I'm afraid it's going to continue in that direction. If a kid speaks out against homosexuality, THEY will be called the bully because it isn't "socially accepting" or whatever. How are we supposed to share our views and faith then? That's part of what we believe, we aren't being mean about it. If someone is being mean then yes, they are a bully. But if someone is just simply sharing their opinion they should NOT be scolded and told that they are a horrible judgmental person, and then be hated by everyone else for having different opinions than the popular world. It's going down a path where, instead of someone getting beat up for BEING gay like they used to, someone will get beat up for merely SAYING that they disagree with homosexuality. 

Neither one of those occurrences is okay.