Sunday, December 16, 2012


I, like many others, have an obsession like bacon.

Everyone's copying me. I was in love with bacon first.

I bought bacon boxers and I'm a chick.

I love it's sizzling pop as it fries on the stove. I love the smell of the sweet maple and salty meat. But most of all, the taste. Oh, the glorious taste sent from heaven's angels; a gift from God to our taste buds. Nothing can make a person happier or feel more alive.

Now that, my friends, is REAL bacon. Not simply bacon "flavored things." And definitely not turkey bacon or soy bacon or any of that crap. This is real, manly bacon.

I do, however, have an assortment of bacon flavored things. Two chapsticks, a sucker with bacon bits in it, sunflower seeds, and toothpaste. I have a bacon tshirt, boxers, and a lanyard. I'm so cool. Dang. Anyway, bacon flavored stuff is nasty. I tried the toothpaste and almost puked. I couldn't get the smell of bacon off my lips all day after using the chapstick. And the sunflower seeds just weren't good.

I don't know what it is, but only the one, true, bacon, is worthy of eating.


I have a question.

Why is everyone so obsessed with cats all the sudden?

There is this obsurd trend sweeping the nation of people loving cats. I mean, yeah there's cat people and dog people, but now people who never cared about the subject are obssessed with cats! WHY?! I mean I like cats, I have nothing against them. I have two cats. But now there's sweaters with cats and all these people constantly tweeting about how they spent the night with their best friend (their cat), and people instagramming pictures daily of their cat or someone else's cat. AND THE MEMES. Soooo many cat memes! The grumpy cat, my personal favorite, is growing ever so popular, and of course there are the little kitten ones from the "can I haz a cheezburger" website thing. There's quotations about cats on Pinterest and people are obsessed with these creatures even though they don't have a cat.

Maybe cats really do work for the government and they're brainwashing us into loving them. (I heard that one somewhere, and it seems like the only logical reason for this outrageous trend.)

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm in love with fried chicken.

It will never ever change. No one will ever do anything to convince me that I shouldn't eat it, or other meats.

I have vegetarian friends, and I fully understand their points. I just don't believe they are 100% valid; they have flaws. The biggest point I've heard is the treatment of animals. Another one is the nutrition and healthiness of meat vs no meat.

I love animals and I agree that they are treated poorly in many slaughterhouses or farms or wherever they are raised and killed. But frankly- I don't care enough not to eat meat. If I paid more attention to it, I'm guessing I'd feel bad about how poorly some of them are treated, but I'm avoiding it because I don't want to feel guilty biting into a juicy leg of Popeye's chicken. I do not think I would ever be guilted into being a complete veg-head though. I love meat and I believe it's okay to eat it. There is only once in my life when I refused to eat any bird-meat. I was about 8 years old and I had pet ducks. The first morning we left them outside over night, a coyote ate them. Imagine a little girl going outside and seeing a mangled baby duck in her yard. That's why I couldn't eat birds for a week or so. But I don't really see how people care so much if they haven't seen in person a harmed animal like that. And my case wasn't even related to the consuming of animal products.

Another thing vegetarians need to understand is that the animal was raised for killing. They wouldn't be alive ever if that was not their purpose in life. Animals don't have emotions like people- and here's my biggest argument to veg-heads- they don't have souls. They aren't human beings. They don't have jobs, other than being eaten or used for other products. That is their purpose here on earth- to nourish the people God created.

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.         -Genesis 9:3
 This verse shows that God says it's okay to eat meat. That's what it's for, just like plants. Plants are living too, they just don't have brains. But neither have souls, so it's okay to eat. (This does NOT mean Gingers are okay to eat.)

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.          -Romans 14:1-3
 And it's okay to be a vegetarian! I'm not saying it's not. I'm just saying it's okay to eat meat and it's not wrong at all. Now the Bible does say the weak eats only vegetables. (I'm gonna pull that one on my dad next time he makes me eat spinach.)  I'm not sure what that means, but I think it just means that it takes stronger people to not care so much about eating meat. Weak people falter as they really think about eating animals. However, it's not wrong to not eat animals, and it's not wrong to eat them either.

There are many more verses, but these two stuck out the most, and addressed the issue most directly.

Another thing that really bothers me is how these "animal rights" activists think it's so wrong to kill an animal, but not a baby in the womb. Apparently, some chicken who will only live a few years anyway, is a higher priority and hits them harder than a baby never having the chance of life. Now that is wrong.

Now I love meat, and I love non-meat things like pasta. Humans are made to be omnivores, consumers of both. But if one chooses to eat only meat or mostly meat, they shouldn't be looked at as "mean" or "heartless" because of it. It is fine, and yes, it's sad how they treat animals but I don't think that directly relates to us at our houses eating meat. We aren't treating them that way, and we don't see it. Besides, they're just animals raised to be in our bellies. You wouldn't eat pets, but these aren't pets, and that is what vegetarians need to understand. It is fine for me to chow down on my 13 piece from Popeye's.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The End of the World

So, according to the Mayans, we're gonna die pretty soon.

Here are all the possible reasons the Mayans stopped their Calendar on December 21st.

1. They got bored.

2. They ran out of stone or whatever they made their calendar out of.
3. A wild animal attacked the calendar-maker in the village.
4. They just had to stop somewhere... what was the calendar maker guy supposed to do? Just sit there and make a calendar into infinity?
5. They thought about the future and said "we can stop here, I'm sure the people in the future will be smart enough to realize we are just stopping the calendar and time doesn't actually end here!" (They were wrong about the smartness, unfortunately.)
6. They started making their calendar in a different place or on something else. Perhaps paper?
7. They decided to take a break, and then their whole civilization died while they were taking a break.
8. Bigfoot stole the calendar.
9. The Mayans decided to take a trip to the beach and then got swept underwater, so then they made the underwater city of Atlantis and left their calendar back at their old home.
10. They legitimately thought the world was going to end, randomly, on that day. 

Christmas Shopping

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas shopping.

I love it, because I like picking out things for people. I like finding things that someone would just LOVE, and I like giving it to them and seeing them laugh or smile if it really is good.

I hate it. I hate how I never know WHAT things to pick out for people! Often, I'm just lucky and stumble upon something I know a certain person would like, but I'm terrible at thinking of things to go and buy. I usually sink to the standard shirt and socks or something like that for my dad because I just don't know what to get. Another thing I hate, is I always want to spend wayyyy more than I should. I want to get little gifts for all my friends, which finally, I've stopped doing. I want to get some people like 6 things. And I run out of money before I have time to get everyone I want to something. It's just frustrating.

At least I still have a while before Christmas I guess!

I Like my Guns.

I will forever be a conservative gun-loving redneck.

I'm willing to accept that stereotype.

It's not just because I shoot squirrels out of my bathroom window, cook em' up, and feed em' to my friends telling them it's chicken-all of those I am quite guilty of doing. But it's more because it is a part of our rights. The second amendment-right after freedom of speech, so obviously it's important if they have it as the second right? I don't even just want it because of my redneck-ish ways, and I don't just want guns for entertainment, though I do believe that is a fine thing to use them for, with exceptions.

Guns are important to many people to make them feel protected. Families may keep them under the bed, in a gun vault, in a closet, above the fireplace, under their pick-up truck seat, or even in the bathroom. (Only one of our nine guns is there, the rest are under my dad's bed I believe.) This is a violent world we live in, and many people just feel they have better means of protecting themselves with guns. I live in a very safe neighborhood as far as I know. It's not  low-income, the people all seem to get along, it's not in the city, nothing really bad has ever happened around here. Occasionally though, I get paranoid. I have no reason to, but when it's dark and I'm home alone my house tends to make noises I don't otherwise hear. There have been a few times where I've just felt extra freaked-out, and I've gone and grabbed a gun or knife and just set it near me. It makes me feel better, just in case some bizarre thing should happen. I'm sure people who live in the inner city feel even more that way. If I'm in places where there's crime, and very questionable people, and many people carry handguns, I often carry a knife. Just because it makes me feel like I could have a better chance of getting away if I was grabbed or something. A gun would be better, but I wouldn't really like carrying that around. (And I'm not 18.) I know some people who live in the country and get freaked out and paranoid like I do, (probably from watching too much Children of the Corn.) They are more secluded, so if something should happen they might not have neighbors to hear them scream like I hopefully do. If they were alone, they are the only ones who can protect themselves. 

Many people see hunting as wrong, and I kind of understand that. I cried after I shot my first squirrel. But when you get down to it, animals aren't people. We should worry about the safety of our fellow humans and their well-being first, and animals after that. I'm from Iowa. Lots of deer. Lots of cars hitting deer. There are too many deer in the city, though I do believe the overall population has gone down (finally) some in recent years. I've come very close to hitting deer. My boyfriend has hit 2 or 3 deer, and nearly hit tons. I know people who have totaled their cars hitting deer. Deer should not be causing the deaths or injuries of humans because of their overpopulation. There are even specific hunts to bring down the population. This over-population isn't healthy for deer, either. There are so many they can run down their habitats. Another thing they harm are our valuable crops. Us Iowans take pride in our corn and other agriculture, and the yields could be higher if deer didn't trample and eat it. There's also the issue of rabid and diseases animals that should just be shot so they don't spread it.

Shooting guns are fun, despite the sore arm I sometimes get after shooting my shotgun with a pretty powerful kick. I can't believe when my friends say they've never shot a gun. I got my first gun when I was seven! A red-rider bb gun, but it counts right? I'd set up pop-cans in my backyard and I was able to knock em' down with the first shot. I'd shoot off my grandmother's deck, just behind a squirrel. It scared them and they jumped off the tree and it was funny. I think me and squirrels have just never gotten along. In the fall my family often plays shotgun knockout. It's the same idea as basketball knockout, but you shoot bright orange clay pigeons instead of brownish-orange rubber balls. I of course beat my dad. (Ha!) It's just fun to shoot guns. I don't believe it's okay to shoot animals just for fun. Even if it's to help lower the population, I believe you should still use the resources the animal gives you. If you don't want them, someone else might. With deer, you can donate your meat to the Iowa DNR's "HUSH" effort. It stands for Help Us Stop Hunger and you just give them the deer and they gut it and give the meat to needy people, while lowering the population. Deer meat is pretty tasty too. I think my dad donates it to a different place, because he likes to keep the hide. Even the hides could be useful to someone else if you don't want it though, so you could donate that as well. 

Of course, there are the people who misuse guns, but I don't think the majority of people who use them correctly should be punished for others' wrong-doings. Whenever I hear the terms "gun-control" "gun-laws" there is usually talk about criminals and safety and how it will be hard for people to get guns. My biggest question is, if they're criminals, and they do illegal things already, won't they just get guns illegally as well? Some restrictions are not going to stop criminals from getting guns and killing. Innocent hunters and citizens who want to feel protected should not be deprived of their rights because of criminals who should just be locked up. If the problem is really that bad, maybe that right should just be taken away for criminals or ex-criminals, though like I said, it won't necessarily stop them from getting firearms-but they would be punished for having them if they are found out. If criminals become the people with guns, and good citizens are without how are we supposed to defend ourselves against them?! They're also talking about tracking bullets, which again, is not fair to those who correctly use firearms, but that's kind of a different discussion. I do think an acceptable way for people to get their little "gun restriction" policy they want, without taking away American's rights, would to just require a gun-safety course prior to purchasing a gun. Maybe just a one-hour session before you can take it home. And again, criminals may find a way around this, but it could reduce some of the extremely stupid and tragic accidents that happen because people are too dense to know not to keep a gun loaded, or they don't know what the safety button is. 

It is our right as American Citizens to obtain fire-arms as well as defend ourselves, which come with each other. Guns are needed to protect, provide, and even play-as long as you are doing it safely and in good cause. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What Happened to the American Dream..?

I thought being rich was a good thing.

Lately, here in the good ole USA, it seems like a sin. 

Everywhere I am, people talk bad about wealthy people. I don't get it. I thought the "American Dream" was to work and strive to be wealthy and live easily. I blame Obama for this changed mindset. 

Okay, not completely, because I even find this changed mindset in my church. 

I see it in politics. During the election, people didn't like Romney because he was rich! And these are the people who say, "Don't judge someone because they're poor." Yet, they judge a politician because he is wealthy. People acted like it was such a horrible thing that he had money, and I didn't understand that. Obviously he knows how to manage money well, so it would be good if this country looked up to someone like that. Maybe he would have a chance at getting us out of all this debt since he's so wise economically. Well, too late for that I suppose. Maybe people think it's bad to be rich because the rich people don't get all of these benefits from Obama's plans. 

I see it socially. There are groups in high school, and usually groups of friends are made up of people of the same economic background, just like in real life. Not always, but usually that's what I see. The people dress similarly and are involved in some of the same activities, and a lot of that has to do with their economic status. There's usually a group of really pretty, more popular girls with nice clothes and phones and whatever. Then there's less fortunate ones. The one's who go around all should be treated equally and stuff. Then they call these girls "fake" or talk about how they're snotty rich brats, even though they've never actually talked to them. They talk about how you shouldn't judge someone, then they go and talk bad about others who have money, or wear more makeup then them, deeming them "fake." This is kind of a different discussion, but just because someone wants to look good doesn't mean they're fake. Fake is platinum blonde hair, constantly spray tanned skin, and boob implants. Not that many girls at our school look like that, and even if they do, why do you care what they spend their money on? You know they look silly, so let that be all, without saying anything about them.
Also at school, people judge what you spend your money on. All the time. They judge you if you don't have a job, yet still have more than they do. They act like it's some kind of fault of yours! It's just a blessing not a fault, and maybe they're just jealous. People find fault in others who go on extravagant vacations, like it's some kind of crime to spend money. Overall, people just act like you're a bad person if you have a little extra money to spend.

I even see it at church. They say the poor are blessed, and I kinda see that... but the rich can do so much more sometimes. They can give more to the church and they can donate more to organizations. They may not have to work as many hours as they grow older so they'll be able to volunteer more. Today, it just seemed like in the service rich people were overall just talked badly about. It's like we can't be good Christians if we're rich in some people's eyes. I'm sure just about all wealthy people go through struggles, just like anyone else. Maybe not economic struggles, but money isn't everything. They can't fix emotional problems with the swipe of a credit card, at least not permanently. Not all illnesses can be fixed with good insurance and some extra money. They have problems too, so people should stop treating them like selfish sinners and generalizing the rich as bad, because not all are, and doesn't the church teach not to judge like that? If I was a rich person coming to church and I heard all of the things they say about "rich people" in such a general way, I'd leave. What if a rich person comes, wanting more, and wanting God, but they are turned away because of how the church treats the wealthy? What if the church missed out on a million dollar grant because they were offended and hurt by how people were generalizing the rich as selfish, arrogant, world-loving snobs?! It just doesn't seem right to me...

I hear the saying, "step in their shoes," usually referring to poorer people, but why do we never think about it from the polar-opposite? How do you think the rich feel, when lately, the whole world talks bad about them, acting like it's a horrible thing to work hard and be wealthy? Shouldn't we strive to be rich and successful, so that others can be encouraged to work hard and be the same way? 


Anyone else noticed the sudden boom of British/other European bands and singers in America?

Lately I've fallen in love with Florence and the Machine. They're an English Indie-Rock band, which is my newest favorite genre. I also really like Mumford and Sons. These both showed up on my Indie-Rock Pandora station and they really grew on me. Of course there's Adele, the magnificent British singer that she is, and One Direction- many teenage girls' dream boys. 

I've noticed that all of these are really good. Well...One Direction is mehh... not exactly my style but I still think they're good singers. Another thing I've noticed is you can't really tell they're British when they sing. Mumford and Sons you kind of can, but I didn't know Adele was British until I saw her doing an interview on TV. Girls love One Direction's accents, but you still can't tell that they have them unless you hear them talk. 

I know there are more British bands than these that are popular in the U.S. right now, but what is it that is making English music so popular over here? Other than the Beetles I can't remember any other British singers or groups who had so many fans in America. 

I think a lot of our trends come from Britain. I remember at camp a few years ago there were some girls from England. They all wore these certain little tennis shoes. A few months later, everyone here was wearing them. Our music is probably the same. Everyone there is listening to it, then a few months later it hits us. 

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to prove by saying all this; just something to think about!        

It's My Birthday!

I was born on 11-30 at 11:30PM.

Weird huh?

I've always been one of those people who has to celebrate my birthday in some way. I can't understand how some of my friends don't do anything for it anymore.

What sucks, is that now I'm getting to the age where birthday parties are more rare.  And I like birthday parties. I would always have a ton of kids, from school, church, and a few cousins maybe.

Since my birthday is in November, it's usually too cold to do anything outside. I've always hated that. What's worse, is that there's usually some snowstorm or the very first snow of the year on my birthday. Yuck.

When I was little my favorite colors were pink and yellow, so I just had to have a pink and yellow cake. So even now, I have a strawberry-banana swirled cake. I remember once the children at my party licked the pan clean. It's pretty tasty. That's basically the only remnant of my old parties unfortunately.

Since ninth grade I believe, I've just had a few friends go out to eat with me somewhere and we brought my pink and yellow cake along. It's nice, but I want something to last longer than an hour at a restaurant. When I was little my birthday used to last for 2 or 3 weeks it seemed like. Maybe that's just because it's between Thanksgiving and Christmas though. I've never understood why older people hate their birthdays, but I think it's all just a part of "birthday decay."

By "birthday decay" I mean the gradual decreasing excitement about birthdays. It's quite a sad thing for me. When we turned one, of course we weren't really excited about our birthdays, but I believe that's still when this excitement began. We'd get new little toys and lots of people would be around. By the time we're two we have a better understanding. I think the peak of this birthday-excitement scale is around 8 or 9. That's when kids really seem to get excited about everything. Not long after that, middle school begins. Your friends start to change, but you still have some fun birthday parties, but you aren't invited to everyone's that was in your class like you were before. Then high school comes. Your friends completely change, or you just aren't as close to people like you were before. That makes it hard to know who to invite, so you wind up having a small "party" by going out to eat. Lame. After that, you may get a few surprise parties, or maybe some big ones at age 30 or 50.

Although I didn't get a "sweet-sixteen" last year, I was fortunate enough to have a party this year, (much to my surprise). I had a surprise party in 8th grade as well; I thought I was going to my friend's house, and when I arrived all my friends were downstairs. This year, I was planning to go to Hu-Hot with a few friends. I wanted to have a party, I just never planned one. I always have trouble knowing who to invite; close friends only, friends-including older friends, people from church and school, or just school? It's sooo much easier if someone just does that for me so I don't have to worry about offending anyone if I'm not the one inviting them.

Anyway, me and Jared were supposed to meet everyone at Hu-Hot at 7. I wanted to get there a little bit early. I was begging him to leave, but he was standing in my house playing Bike Race while I was waiting in the car. I was so mad. Finally we left, and he drove 20 mph on a road we usually go 70 on. He had been driving like an old man lately, trying to get the best gas mileage possible, but this was crazy. He was accelerating ridiculously slow, in his MUSTANG. It was already about 7, and then he said, "Oh, I need to take this boy-scout popcorn to church quick and give it to Tom." I think I laughed out of anger. We went into my church and Jared stopped and looked in the elevator room. He was acting so weird. He just stood in there looking around. I made fun of him but he was just laughing. He was doing everything he could to make us late to my dinner-or so I thought. He saw a container with wedding tablecloths and wanted me to look at them. What a weirdo. I started walking toward the teen room and he said, "Jessie! Wait!" He grabbed me then suggested that we use the tablecloths right now and get married. He pretty much got down on one knee and proposed to me, JUST to waste some time. I was laughing, but I was still annoyed. Finally we walked to the teen room-almost. We were about 20 feet away from where we were supposed to drop off the popcorn, and Jared says, "Jessie, I have to pee really bad." Apparently we couldn't walk 20 more feet and drop of the popcorn first, we had to go to the other side of the church to the bathroom. Awesome. I rolled my eyes and waited for him. And waited. And waited. And waited. I yelled into the bathroom. And knocked on the door. And kicked the door once or twice. He just told me to wait. He washed his hands for about 2 minutes, spending about 10 minutes total in the bathroom. This was it. I was so mad that I couldn't even act mad anymore. He was probably playing Bike Race in there or something. Finally we began to walk back to the teen room to quickly drop off the popcorn. He was walking SO slow. Ugh. We were almost there and Tom came out and asked us what we were doing there. Jared gave him the popcorn. Tom said he just got done decorating the room for Christmas and asked if we wanted to see it. I had pretty much given up on being on time so I laughed and said sure. Then it clicked. I figured it out. There was totally a surprise party in there. Plus the lights were off. How obvious. I walked in, saw my dad turn the lights on, and people yelled "surprise!" from the loft. They came down and I awkwardly hugged them one-by-one. At least now I understood why Jared was acting like such a weirdo. 

I liked it because I didn't have to decide who to invite. A lot of my friends had to work, or were at sports things, but most of them were still there. It was a pretty fun day, despite my frustration at my poor boyfriend's slowness as he tried to procrastinate so they could finish getting ready. It definitely cheered me up, and tore me away from the dreaded birthday decay!