Sunday, December 9, 2012

The End of the World

So, according to the Mayans, we're gonna die pretty soon.

Here are all the possible reasons the Mayans stopped their Calendar on December 21st.

1. They got bored.

2. They ran out of stone or whatever they made their calendar out of.
3. A wild animal attacked the calendar-maker in the village.
4. They just had to stop somewhere... what was the calendar maker guy supposed to do? Just sit there and make a calendar into infinity?
5. They thought about the future and said "we can stop here, I'm sure the people in the future will be smart enough to realize we are just stopping the calendar and time doesn't actually end here!" (They were wrong about the smartness, unfortunately.)
6. They started making their calendar in a different place or on something else. Perhaps paper?
7. They decided to take a break, and then their whole civilization died while they were taking a break.
8. Bigfoot stole the calendar.
9. The Mayans decided to take a trip to the beach and then got swept underwater, so then they made the underwater city of Atlantis and left their calendar back at their old home.
10. They legitimately thought the world was going to end, randomly, on that day. 

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