Sunday, December 2, 2012


Anyone else noticed the sudden boom of British/other European bands and singers in America?

Lately I've fallen in love with Florence and the Machine. They're an English Indie-Rock band, which is my newest favorite genre. I also really like Mumford and Sons. These both showed up on my Indie-Rock Pandora station and they really grew on me. Of course there's Adele, the magnificent British singer that she is, and One Direction- many teenage girls' dream boys. 

I've noticed that all of these are really good. Well...One Direction is mehh... not exactly my style but I still think they're good singers. Another thing I've noticed is you can't really tell they're British when they sing. Mumford and Sons you kind of can, but I didn't know Adele was British until I saw her doing an interview on TV. Girls love One Direction's accents, but you still can't tell that they have them unless you hear them talk. 

I know there are more British bands than these that are popular in the U.S. right now, but what is it that is making English music so popular over here? Other than the Beetles I can't remember any other British singers or groups who had so many fans in America. 

I think a lot of our trends come from Britain. I remember at camp a few years ago there were some girls from England. They all wore these certain little tennis shoes. A few months later, everyone here was wearing them. Our music is probably the same. Everyone there is listening to it, then a few months later it hits us. 

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to prove by saying all this; just something to think about!        

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