Sunday, September 2, 2012

If I just had more time...

This morning I was getting ready for church, knowing I'd have extra time when I was done because my boyfriend is almost always late to pick me up. (Just my luck he wasn't this time.) I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with that extra little bit of time. Should I do something extra with my hair, or just lay on the couch? Then I decided, two things I wish I had more time for is reading and practicing my guitar. I love to read, as long as it's a book I find interesting, and I really want to be a good guitar player since I just started. But it seems like I don't have time! I do, they just aren't my top priorities, especially now that school's started. I have enough reading to do for AP US history, and if I'm not doing homework all I want to do is lay around and rest, not fill my brain with new guitar chords.

I also wish I had more time to exercise. I do, I just don't want to now because I'm so tired after school that I just can't. But I couldn't do that before church. Finally I decided to practice guitar since it was sitting right next to me. Unluckily, right as I got it out, Jared pulled up.

Before he came I just texted him as soon as this whole "If there was something you had more time to do, what would it be" thing came into my mind. He said he'd experience as much as he could in life. He asked me and my answer was not near as profound as his. I just said reading and guitar. He also said soccer later.

His first answer was a really good one. You could use that in so many different ways. Both good and bad. Good ways would be experiencing new foods, taking adventures to different countries, helping people who don't have as much, getting a puppy, and being something you've always wanted to be. Bad ways would be choosing to experience things that really won't improve your life and may even ruin it. And for some weird reason, people still choose to experience these things in their life. Things like smoking, drinking at a young age, partying (in a bad way), doing drugs, cheating on their husband or wife. Smoking is my biggest one. I hate it. I have almost no respect for someone who smokes. Why would you want to experience giving yourself, and others, cancer? I'll probably have a rant blog about that soon.

Anyway, you should only want to experience the good things in life. Of course, we don't always get to. People die, they move away, our cookies get burned, we have a bad hair day. Those are all pretty different on a scale from "Sucks" to "I don't even want to be here anymore." But, unfortunately we're stuck in this crazy world for awhile, so you should try your best to experience the good things, and stay away from the bad that you can. Someone from a college came up with the new "YOLO" and I think it's 10x better and I even had my blog called this at first: MAWMIC. Might as well make it count. Because it doesn't matter that you only live once if you're doing things that won't make it worthwhile and won't make people remember you like you want them to. Who wants to be remembered as the high school drug dealer? Or the one who always hosted the crazy parties? People won't remember that years from now. And if they do, is that a good thing? No. They won't have respect for you. They'll be sitting in their executive penthouse office because they did something with their life, and the other will be sitting on the side of the road smoking a blunt and asking for money. If you do things that matter you'll most likely have a wonderful family and friends your whole life, if you don't you may be lonely and just sick of living. So, make your life count, make others in the future want to be like you. With your time here on Earth, do something with your life and don't waste it on things that won't help you, or anyone else.

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