Sunday, September 23, 2012

Racism Against Whites.

Apparently, it's not okay to say anything based on race to a black person or other minority, but it's perfectly fine for anyone to say it to a white person.

This topic absolutely ticks me off. It is so unfair. There is so much racism against white people that no one even cares about, and minorities get so many more privileges. I'm not by any means saying there isn't racism against other races, there definitely is, and, unlike racism against white people, it is shown in the news.

Our country is supposed to be all about equality, freedom for everyone, no special privileges for a specific group. But that idea is dead. It was never really alive because in the past it was racism against minorities, now it's racism against whites and still against minorities. There was never really an equal ground. I, and many others including one of my black friends, agree that it is not at all fair that minorities get special scholarships. They didn't have to work for that money for college, they just had to be born a certain color. So what if a white person couldn't afford to go to college, but if they got the same money as someone of a different color, they could? Is that fair? No! It's not our fault we were born white, so don't give others special privileges and favor them. I understand colleges want diversity, but if a white person gets better grades and test scores than the minority, and the minority gets in instead, it's an abomination to me. It is just so unfair and it should not be based on race.

Minorities get special treatment as well. If you say anything stereotypical about them, even if it is true, you get punished as a white person. It's not fair that they can say words that we can't or things about each other that, if we do, it is just so racist and we should be punished. For example, they can make a movie called "White Men Can't Jump" which is a stereotype, but if they made a movie called "Black Men Can't Swim" or "Asian Men Do Math" that would be all over the news and would never even make it into the theaters. Maybe whites aren't the best jumpers, but some are. Maybe blacks aren't the best swimmers, but there was a very successful African American swimmer in the Olympics this year! And Asians, well, they have a good stereotype but I know a few who aren't the best at math. But that's beside the point. They are allowed to do certain things that we can't because it would be racist if white people did anything involving a stereotype. 

The media sends out so many messages about how white people are racist. If a white person shoots a black person it's a hate crime and is all over CNN or other national news channels. If a black person shoots a white person it's just a sad tragedy that probably won't be covered in anything but local or statewide news. Or even same-race shootings, they aren't as big of a deal as a white person shooting a minority. Why does every thing have to be about race? Why can't it just be a person shot a person, and that's wrong to matter what and they should go to jail? Why does race have to play a role? If this is really the "equal, free country" we say it is why do they even need to advertise the races of the victims? For example the Trayvon Martin case. A white/Latino man, George Zimmerman shot an unarmed 17 year old black boy because he felt "threatened." Yes this is very bad I'm not saying that it's not at all and he should be punished. But, I bet you didn't hear much about the Roderick Scott, Christopher Cervini case. It was the exact same thing, except the races were opposite. Roderick Scott, a black man, shot Christopher Cervini, a 17 year old white boy and was not punished as he should have been. It was covered in the news, but not as long and there wasn't as big of a deal made about it. No mobs in the streets protesting and claiming it was a hate crime. If white people would have done that, it would be seen as racist. But it was fine and it was covered in the news that mobs of black people swarmed the streets in the white against black crime. White people are expected to see things without race as a factor, hate crimes don't exist for them. But for black people, it is perfectly acceptable to see everything as a hate or racial crime.

I hate how people would say, "Oh, you're not voting for Obama because you're a racist conservative!" NO. Maybe for some people but very very few and the people who say that should not categorize all republicans as "racists" because we really do not like Obama and his stupid policies. His race has nothing to do with it. If there was a black republican running for president, I'm pretty sure most republicans would still vote for him. And then there's people who voted for him because he's black. Which is just stupid. That should not be a factor in deciding to vote for someone or not. Yeah, it's cool and historic that he's the first black president, but why does that matter? Shouldn't only his policies matter? People who vote for him because he's black or young or hip or whatever need to realize that that is such a stupid thing to do and maybe if they actually listened to what he was saying they wouldn't vote for him. 

February is Black History Month. September 15th-October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. Where is there a White History Month? No, we can't have that because that would be racist and discriminatory and exclude people. There are black churches and Latino churches, but if there was a white-only church that would just be so wrong to everyone. There should be no separation of race especially in something like a church. There should be no special things for certain races. 

So, basically all I'm saying is, America needs to forget this idea of "minorities" and just see everyone as a human being and treat them equal. 

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