Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Kind of a Funny Story...

The other day I watched the movie "It's Kind of a Funny Story." It was supposed to be a comedy, but clearly the movie industry has some kind of sick twisted view about what's funny.

It was about this kid who wanted to kill himself, so he checks himself into a mental hospital. Sure, there were funny parts with some of the characters, but it was not in anyway a comedy. I don't think depression is very funny. I don't really think any of their conditions were that funny... just sad that anyone has to go through that... and they shouldn't poke fun at those types of people by calling it a "comedy." Otherwise, it was an okay movie.

Anyway, this movie made me realize the world is basically a mental institute. It's full of messed up sad people. There's crazy people losing their mind about something. There's people who get so caught up in their work nothing else matters. There's people who have anger issues. There's people who are just always sad. And there's people who are compulsive liars because they pretend like nothings wrong. At least, I see them as liars. How could nothing hardly ever be wrong? Somethings almost always wrong for me it seems like. No matter how big or how small.

It also made me realize that, since everyone has issues, you're not really alone even though you feel like it. In this hospital the boy thought he didn't belong at first. He just wanted a pill to make everything better, but they made him stay. He said he didn't belong in the same place as a schizophrenic, or someone who hasn't left their room since they got there, or even with the girl who cut herself. After just a day or two, he realized they are all just people and they all have problems like him. He even fell in love with that girl who cut at the end and helped other people there. Sometimes people with issues are blessed to have other people with issues. Sometimes it's better to cry with someone than all alone. Sometimes it's nice to have someone else with problems so you know you're not some kind of freak. 

Depression is a really sad thing, literally. You're just always sad. You're just always mad. You don't really know why. You don't really know what to do to fix it. You just kind of have to force yourself to be happy. I wish pain did not exist. But for now, this is the world we're stuck with and I'd say it consists of about 85% pain 15% happiness. That's sad. People should be happy. People need to be nice to random people because sometimes it just makes their day so much better. What if they were going to go jump off a bridge later, but you telling them they looked nice saved their life? That's kind of extreme but you get the idea.

Once I was stuck at the Chicago O'Hare Airport all alone for 6 hours or something. I had lost my money the week before so I barely had any and I wasn't supposed to be stuck there that long. I hadn't eaten in hours and I had 87 cents. I had been sitting in a booth in the food area for about 2 hours, and I was tired and on the verge of tears. All of the sudden this woman sitting near me asked if I wanted the rest of her pizza because she had to catch her flight and didn't want to throw it away. I never liked taco pizza, but I sure appreciated it that day. I thanked her about 6 times and I told her I had been stuck here for hours and that it was just a miracle. It made my horrible day a little bit better. It was just one of those amazing moments where you feel so low and then you're just surprised with something awesome, no matter how simple it may be. Those are what makes this life happy and take away times when you feel depressed. Tiny everyday miracles make days good. Just someone being there to listen and to hug makes you know it's okay to be sad sometimes, so try and be that person to someone, someone a person can run to when they don't know where to go. Be someone's mental hospital. 

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