Sunday, September 16, 2012

Yearbook. Is. Important.

Imagine never having a yearbook to look back on and see how you and your friends have changed. That would suck right?

Sometimes people do not give the yearbook enough credit, to be completely honest. They love getting it, but they don't think about it throughout the year like they do the school newspaper because it's just a once a year big event. And a yearbook as big and as awesome as Kennedy's should get more credit. It takes the whole entire school year plus summer to put that thing together! It's pretty much always over 150 pages and they're not just books with pictures. They have articles and these things called mods and polls that take forever to compile and quotes and things specific from that year for people to remember in later years.

That's my favorite thing about yearbook and I think almost everyone on the staff would agree. Our favorite thing is that it lasts. People look back on it in 20 years and reminisce and think about their first high school dance and the crazy ways people were asked.. or how they won a football game for their team.. or just what was popular back in the day! I always like looking at the old yearbooks at Kennedy and finding my dad and all his funny band and wrestling pictures. What if we didn't have a yearbook to be able to do that anymore? I even just enjoy looking at my ones from when I was little and seeing how weird I was. 

So many more hours go in to yearbook than you would think, especially for the editors. In the summer is when we actually edit the whole thing like 3 final times. I helped with that a lot last year too even though I wasn't the editor yet. The staff has to face often annoyed teachers just to get a quote and a picture, but they do it happily which makes me really happy as well. We go to sporting events that we have no interest in at all because we believe in covering everyone's story, not just what we like. I don't particularly like to watch swim meets, but I love taking pictures so it can be fun while getting important work done. One goal of ours is to have every single student in the yearbook at least 3 times. We try not to make it much more than that because then it seems like we like a particular group more than another and we really want to cover everyone equally. The people who don't do anything in school sometimes do crazy things outside of school and we want to give them credit for that. 

Anyway, people should buy their yearbooks so they can remember all of the great things that happen this year! High school only happens once, so you might as well get a book to remember it all by.

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