Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm in Love with Weddings

If there is a 16 year old more obsessed with weddings than me, I'd like to meet them. 

I've been planning a perfect wedding for myself since I was about 6 and started watching "My Big Redneck Wedding." Although I've gone away from the idea of possum for the reception dinner, riding in on a tractor, and having the wedding in a barn, it still sparked my love for weddings. I'm also still obsessed with all the wedding shows on TLC. If Four Weddings or Say Yes to the Dress is on, I'm probably watching it. I love seeing all the different kinds of weddings and themes in Four Weddings and listening to the vows the couple makes to each other. I've even cried watching that show. With Say Yes to the Dress I just love seeing all the different kinds of dresses and how rude some of the people they bring along are, but my favorite part is seeing the bride's face when she tries on the perfect dress.

Weddings are an emotional time for the bride and groom of course, but also the family and friends. Even if I don't know the couple well at a wedding I'm at, I almost always cry either when they show pictures of them over their relationship or say their vows. It's just amazing seeing the two people's love grow into something this big and weddings are a way to celebrate it with all your friends and family. 

There are so many different ways to do a wedding. You can have a small one with just your immediate family, or a huge wedding that took over a year to plan. There's a milllllion DIY things you can do with weddings, and Pinterest is the place to start! (Trust me, my wedding board is huge.) There's so many different styles and brands of dresses, oh, and then there's the bridesmaid's dresses, and of course the groom and his groomsmen's tuxes and what about the cake? There are so many cool looking wedding cakes! As you can see, a LOT goes in to planning a wedding, and making it perfect like the one you've always wanted. It causes a lot of stress to the bridal party sometimes, but I think I'll love it when I get married. Maybe not though. Maybe since I'm such a perfectionist and I have this vision in my mind of perfect wedding, I'll be more stressed. I really have no idea. I want a big wedding with tons of personal touches and all the sweet cliches, but with originality added to them. That's the best way I can describe it without this post being 49865932456 words long. 

I want to be a wedding photographer in college. Two things I absolutely love: weddings and photography! I'd get to attend tons of people's weddings that I don't even know and see all their ideas and maybe use ones I really like for my own someday. It's such an important part of a wedding. Relatives who for some reason couldn't attend will want to see your pictures as soon as they can, and you'll want every second of that day captured, from the time you got up in the morning to the time you're about to go to "sleep". Your kids, especially if you have a daughter will want to see your wedding pictures, and maybe they'll want to recreate a picture you had in your wedding in theirs. 

A mother is such a big part in her daughter's wedding. Unfortunately I won't get to have mine at my wedding. She died when I was 13 and won't be there. That's the part at weddings that makes me cry the most, I see the mom in the front row crying and I know that spot will be empty for me. I have some good aunts who will be there though and help me with anything I need but it won't be the same. That'll be hard at my wedding but I'll be so happy that I'm getting married to someone I love, I think I'll be alright most of the time. 

Weddings are such a magical time in a person's life. It's the start of the rest of your life with a person you love more than anyone and you'll get to see them every day. They're holy and some people don't see them as a big deal nowadays because many couples live together while they're just dating, but I think marriage is an important part of commitment and a celebration and it's just like a big fun party where you get to be the boss and wear a pretty dress. Mine may not be for a long while, but I'm already so excited for that day and the meaning of it. 

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