Sunday, January 27, 2013

If I Could Sing...

If I could have one talent, I would sing.

I love to sing, but I'm not good. Anymore. When I was little I think I was a good singer. I mean, still not great, but better than most of the other kids my age. Then I stopped singing. I was too shy and I decided to do basketball instead of show choir for some stupid reason. In 6th grade I was still singing, I was still in a play, I still auditioned for solos and I still sang at church. Then some idotic part of my brain decided to do something I suck at instead, play basketball. I could no longer be in show choir or plays, because it was the same time as bassketball season. So I stopped. I guess that's when everyone else became better than me. I lost interest, and for the most part, lost any talent I had in the musical world.

In highschool I auditioned for show choir every year until this year. I almost made it in as a freshman. I would have, if I could dance. I had better vocal scores than most people who did make it, but I really can't dance. That's okay though, I just want to sing. I was in vocal all freshman year and some of sophomore year, then I decided that was enough. I knew the basics of singing and I hate choir-y type music. I also took voice lessons for a few years, but I just didn't like the music they made me sing. It seemed pointless in the end. 

Now I simply enjoy singing with the radio. And at home when I'm alone of course. I belt out "When a Man Loves a Woman," "I Will Always Love You," "It's not Unusual," and I sing everything I'm doing like I'm some kind of Disney cartoon character.

Something people probably don't know about me is that I like to write songs. I write them and my dear friend Panashe helps me put music to them. I also recently began playing the guitar. I have no sense of rhythm, thus the whole dancing problem. I also can't strum very well because I can't keep rhythm. I want more than anything to just be one of those artsy indie girls with an amazing voice that can pick up a guitar or ukulele and sing some simple little song and sound beautiful. I want to be a super cheesy girlfriend who writes songs about my boyfriend and sings them to him. I mean, I write songs, but I don't sing them unfortunately. I really just wish I had this talent.  

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