Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Bald.

I chopped all my hair off.

Not really, but it feels like it.

Ever since I could speak fluently I've always had really long hair. Long, brown, wavy locks that were excruciatingly tangly all the time. It was the longest at the beginning of 6th grade when it reached down to my derrière. I've donated it to Locks of Love at least twice, maybe three times, but it's still never been this short when I've done it.

I always had it long because, well, I've talked about my weird childhood necessity to look like characters out of movies and books. I could braid it the best if it was long, like an Indian or Jessie the cowgirl. I wore it in two pigtail braids almost every day. It was cute when I was really little, but then in middle school... umm the pictures are just awkward. I began to get perms because I wanted it to be more curly than wavy. It was still really long but it looked shorter since it was so curly. As the curls began to loosen, my hair looked really good. I loved my long curly hair with it's natural highlights and almost blonde tips. Now it was just curly all the time. And it was a lot lighter because I began to dye it some.

That's why I cut it. Well, mostly. I dyed it all lighter with hydrogen peroxide a year or so ago, and it made it all really unhealthy. I dyed pieces of it red, bleaching them before I did that, also making it fraile. Then last spring I dyed it all back to my natural dark brown hair color. A few months later it was back to being light, just from the dye fading at the summer's natural highlights. I liked it, the top was dark and the bottom was light with some barely noticable red in it. Different, but not crazy. Then the whole ombre thing became popular which I pretty much already had going on. I decided to go all in and bleach the very tips of my hair. They were dead anyway and I was planning to at least trim them. Overall my unaturally light hair was just unhealthy, and I wanted to start over without any dyes or perms to ruin it.

I also noticed everyone has long hair now. I used to be the only one with hair the length that mine was, but now everyone wants long hair. Me, being..well, me, decided I needed to be different. I wanted to cut it shorter. I don't like looking like everyone else in most respects. I pulled up my hair to see if it would look good short. I didn't know. It had never been short before. I liked it and I just kind of decided to get it cut. I've also been told I look like people because of my hair, and I just wanted to look different.

So now I have a bob cut. It's weird. I'm not used to it. It's really cute straight, and it can be cute natural and curly. I like it because it's not as tangly and it really just feels a lot healthier. I feel bald though without hair touching my mid-back and just barely touching my shoulders instead.

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