Sunday, January 27, 2013

God's Gift to my Stomach.

I, like many other Americans, have experienced Heaven in my mouth.

Of course, they don't worship it as much as I do. But this...miraculous delicacy to only be enjoyed by the finest of tongues is indescribably and utterly marvelous. It's prepared by only the finest of chefs, in the hot tasty grease from the day before. It comes from the rare Gallus gallus domesticus, a true beauty of an animal. The chefs prepare the beast using a soft yet rich oil, and create a batter of truly artistic ingredients. They then roast the animal slowy in the substance, creating a heavenly warmth all the way through. The batter is coated with spices that make your tongue tingle in enjoyment. The restaurant is so kind to give you the option of either spicy or mild, though I prefer mild. As it gets done cooking, they keep it warm for you under a hot lamp.

You catch a glimpse of this delicacy on another person's plate as they walk by. You must have it, and you must have it now. It's crisp, golden crust flakes off as you bite in. Instantly when your teeth hit the meat your mouth is filled with juicy hot goodness. It's so hot you can hardly stand it, but it's just so delicious that you couldn't even think of spitting it out. You want so bad to savor it and enjoy is as slowly as you can, so this exquisite taste and feeling will last as long as possible. However, you must have more right away! After just a bite it's become a smoldering fire that you need to keep feeding to make the flame larger. You stuff your face and before you know it, it's gone. Your last piece is gone. You feel your stomach screaming at you for cramming so much of this delicious food into it all at once, and though you don't think you can eat another bite, you must. It's too good. You must order more. You promise yourself that if you can wait 10 minutes and still want more, that you can get more. You know you shouldn't. You know it's nearly a sin. But the taste... You can't resist. You get three more pieces. You can take them home if you can't finish. You should have gotten eleven to begin with, not nine. Next time, you'll know. You can only eat one more piece but take the rest home. It's a shame because of course this delicious fresh meal will not be as good warmed up. It will still be quite grand though. You leave, your stomach aching and your mouth cheering for more. You quiet it with a beverage but you still feel the urge to eat your last two pieces. You carefully put the box in the backseat so you aren't tempted and drive home, resisting the urge to pull over and eat the rest.

As you probably know, I was talking about Popeye's Fried Chicken. The true beauty of southern cooking. Born in Louisiana, this delicious fast food chicken restaurant is known to everyone in the South, and people in most coastal states. There are few in the west and Midwest. Iowa has three, two in Des Moines, one in Waterloo. Unfortunately, neither of those are very close to me. I do make an occasional trip to Waterloo just for my dear delicious Popeye's every now that then. The South always has the best food, and they have the most Popeye's. Shrimp is also served there, as it is a Cajun restaurant. They have spicy and mild options as well as many side dishes. I usually don't like french fries, but theirs are to die for.

Now those of you deprived little children many be thinking, "why is it so great?" or "it sounds the same as KFC." HOW DARE YOU THINK SUCH THINGS. It is not even CLOSE to KFC. I mean, I like KFC, but in comparison to Popeye's, I hate it. Their chicken is not nearly as crispy, even their "extra crispy" chicken! It's not as juicy or flavorful, and I mean, come on. Kentucky is not deep south, and the deep south people are the ones who know how to fry a chicken. It's plain and if anyone ate both and had to choose which was better, they'd without a doubt pick Popeye's. I wouldn't even call KFC fried chicken after having Popeye's. It's just... not even in the same league. Oh how I need some Popeye's right now. 

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