Thursday, February 14, 2013

Single Girls Ruin Valentine's Day

It's single people awareness day!!!

That's what I keep hearing.


Valentine's Day is the one day for everyone to celebrate love and relationships. It doesn't even have to be romantic, but single people whining don't have to ruin it for the people who do make it about their special someone. You can celebrate it with your family or friends or not at all, but you don't have to create an anti-holiday.

I mean, elementary age children celebrate it. It's not like they hate it because they're single. It can still be that way my friends! Teenagers like getting candy. We can still celebrate it with our whole class at school. Teenagers date so it becomes more romantic, and people who don't have a special someone feel this holiday is against them. Okay... well does that mean Mother's Day offends you if you aren't a mother? That's kinda the same logic you're going by. I mean, my mom isn't with me anymore but I don't complain to everyone who talks about their mom on Mother's Day. That would be silly. Some people have mothers to be with on that day in May, and some of us don't. Some of us have boyfriends to be with on this little holiday, and others don't. And that's okay. People need to realize that this holiday isn't meant to hurt them and make them feel alone, just like Mother's Day isn't meant to make me sad. It still does. But I'm not going to ruin other people's Mother's Days by talking about "Orphan Awareness Day" or some made up anti-holiday such as "Single People Awareness Day". 

Just because you're 14 and don't have a lover doesn't mean you're forever alone. There's still hope kids! So please please stop being so negative towards this day. Really though, if you don't have a boyfriend in high school doesn't mean you're forever alone. You don't have to be focused on that and feel all depressed just because you aren't getting a teddy bear and flowers THIS YEAR. You will eventually. You don't have to express your hatred of all girls who have boyfriends. You don't have to say, "You don't understand! You probably love Valentine's Day because you're dating the man of your dreams!" Well it's not like we (people in relationships) always were.  We were once just as single as you. We had no one to spend the day with. But, unlike many, I never complained about it being a lonely horrid day of death and agony and my heart being ripped out. I instead enjoyed the candy and craziness of it. I'd give Valentine's to my friends, I didn't think about the "missing" Valentine that I wasn't giving to some boy. It was more fun to focus on the positive and bask in the silliness of the red and pink hearts everywhere you look. 

Girls criticize Valentine's Day and how "stupid" and "cliche" it is, but I think they're really just jealous. They WANT someone to do all the cliche little things with them and they're just cold because they don't have anyone (RIGHT NOW). So, they try to make other people miserable. They tell their friends who are in relationships how stupid everything is and that it's all just consumerism and silliness. Okay, they may be "worthless" flowers and it may be just money spending to some people, but I like it. I like having special days to celebrate with my boyfriend and buy him things. So while everyone is talking about how stupid Valentine's Day is and how it's overrated, I'm going to take advantage of it and see a tear-jerking Nicholas Sparks movie, go out to dinner, and look at the stars. 

So, those of you who are, in fact, single at this time, you could be crying with your cats and ice cream, OR you could make silly little Valentine cards to send to your friends and celebrate love as a wonderful thing, whether you're in love or not. Love is to be celebrated by all, not just those who are in this romantic type of love that is focused on during February 14th. Love is for friends, love is for family, love is for cats and turtles and so many other things besides boyfriends and girlfriends! Thus, I challenge the singles out there to turn your frowns upside down and make your "Single People Awareness Day" simply into a "Love Day" where you can focus on all of the people in your life that you love and celebrate with them. Eat some stupid Valentine Chocolates. Buy yourself a little gift because loving yourself is to also be celebrated. Don't mope around and focus on your momentary single-ness. Make something out of today, focusing on love as a great thing for all people. 

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