Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vote No!

If you live in Linn County, all we've been hearing is "Vote Yes for the Linn County Casino!" "Vote no!" 

Blah Blah Blah.

Well, I say vote no. 

Casinos are horrid places that ruin people's lives. They are full of alcohol. BAD. You can smoke in them. VERY BAD. People waste their life savings which leads to financial problems which leads to depression which leads to drinking/smoking and trying to gamble the LITTLE money you have to win big again, which you don't and so this HORRID cycle all begins again. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. 

The "vote yes" ads all say it would bring jobs and prosperity to our town. But let's look at the facts. It would bring jobs, yes. But mainly all low paying jobs-which means it attracts unsuccessful and unskilled people to our town. They say it will attract out-of-town people and their money which will help our small businesses. Uh, no. It will help the casino and the casino only. People will go out to eat at the casino because apparently they have great food. They won't go to our little Cedar Rapids restaurants as much, so that will hurt small businesses-not help them.

 It will bring drunkenness into this city, which is always bad. More drunk drivers. More deaths. More depression. More addictions. More gambling. It's terrible that THAT'S how the casino gets it's money. By hurting people. By taking their money and serving them alcohol to feed their addiction so they don't know what they're doing and they spend more money than they can afford. Casinos really just ruin people's lives, and why would we want our city to support such a thing? It also causes suicides because people get so depressed and angry with themselves for being such fools and spending the money they worked their entire life for in hopes of winning big.

The casino really won't bring the city much prosperity in comparison with how much devastation it will create. Yeah, it will indeed bring some money to our city and keep the money here, but is it worth hurting people's lives and creating addictions and crime and pain?

The answer is no, so my dear 18 year old friends and older, vote no.

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