Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Love Uncle Jesse

I have a massive crush on John Stamos.

Always have. Always will. 

This crush began in my Full House watching days. It was my favorite show, and actually, it probably still is. I thought Uncle Jesse was soooo hot. And I was 4. 

His dark swooshy hair that he was obsessed with, his little tattoo on his bicep, his tan skin, his love of music and wonderful voice, his car and motorcycle obsession, HIS SMILE. He was a good boy and a bad-ass. He was the best uncle those Tanner girls could dream of. He was nice and fun and he really helped Danny out with taking care of them. He was great with kids; something every girl wants in a guy. 

Full House stopped playing for a few years and I slowly forgot about my love for Uncle Jesse. But now it's playing again. I watch it whenever I see that it's on, even though I've seen every single episode a dozen times. My obsession has returned. He was a hot young man back then, and he's still handsome today at age 49. Does that make me weird? I think a 49 year old man is a hottie. Sometimes when I'm bored I Google pictures of him. 

Both girls my age and women his age are both attracted to him. His mullet days were a littttle questionable, but he pulled it off better than anyone else. He has just about the perfect looks. I mean, my boyfriend is obviously more attractive than anyone in the entire world, but they kind of have similar looks in some ways. They both have amazing smiles and adorable dimples. They both have the tan skin and swooshy dark hair. 

He's also a lot like Uncle Jesse in some ways. They both like cars. They both are sweet and good with little kids. No one dislikes them. They're both funny in the same ways. They even have similar laughs I think. They both date girls in journalism. Jared is Uncle Jesse and and I'm Rebecca Donaldson. I make him do cheesy unmanly things like she does with Jesse. It's funny how much the things that I see Rebecca and Jesse do on Full House remind me of us.

Anyway, John Stamos is just... attractive. I'm pretty sure I like all of his pictures on Instagram. I was going to get a shirt that says "I <3 Uncle Jesse". I'm obsessed.

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