Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our Dream Life

First off, we will go to Iowa State for one year. Then we will leave this little horrid state called "Iowa" and go to Colorado. We will finish college there. Jared will propose sometime while we're in college so we can begin planning our wedding. Probably towards the end of his senior year so then we can plan the whole big shindig when he is done with college. I'm not even going to cover what our wedding plans will be because... well, I have a lot. I'll just say it's gonna be huge and extravagant and I've been planning it since I was like 7. Once I graduate college we will be finishing up our plans and we will get married probably in the fall of 2018. Possibly even on the anniversary of when we started dating, September 22nd. It's a Saturday in 2018. That'd be perfect. 

We will have a honeymoon in Italy and Spain and other places we've always wanted to go in Europe. 

After that we'll probably live in a small apartment around Denver or Colorado Springs. Of course we won't have much money coming out of college, but I'll have a little at least from being a wedding photographer during college and until I found a permanent journalism or photography job. It'll be easy for Jared to find a job right away because he's really smart and people automatically like him when they meet him. He'll work at an architecture company for a while, then realize he's better than the people he works for. Then he'll create his own business and he'll begin to get rich. He's great at planning out homes. And by then we'll have enough money for our own home.

Our house will be on 500 acres with a mountain, a pond, a river, and everything we could ever want. Our house will be a ginormous log cabin. Rustic, but very modern. Our room will be the best room in the house. The ceiling will have a sunroof type thing that we can open to let in the cool nighttime mountain air (with a screen to keep bugs out) and it can also close so the sun doesn't wake us up. It's cover will be like a tv screen so we can just stay in bed and watch The Vow, then Live Free and Die Hard all day. Our room will have a deck/porch/balcony type thing behind it. That will be my art room. It will be overlooking the lake and stream below the mountain and it will inspire me to take pictures and read and do pottery and write and whatever else I decide to do. It can be closed up with glass so in the winter it stays warm and also so the wind and rain doesn't ruin any of my work. Next to our room will be Jared's office. It will be there so I can always remind him not to stay up working too late and so I can drag him to bed when he's being too hard on himself. Our bathroom will be connected to our room and it will have a giant Jacuzzi tub and an enormous shower with one of those lit up-color changing shower heads. It will have plenty of counter space because I tend to use a lot. Next to the bathroom will be my giant closet. It's almost as big as our room. It will have soft plush carpet and a big mirror. There will be room for my 95 pairs of shoes (hopefully triple that by then) and my ever-growing clothes collection. Jared can have a little space too, I suppose. The rest of our house doesn't even matter because that's all we really need until we have kids. Well, I guess we need the kitchen. It'll have granite counter tops and low shelves so both Jared and I can reach. We will have all stainless steel appliances and a whole fridge of Mountain Dew, sweet tea, and lemonade. I will make fried chicken and a lot of smoothies. And I'll also make Jared pancakes at least twice a week, and spaghetti whenever he wants it. Not because I'm conforming to the stereotypical role of a woman, but because I love him and I like to make him happy and serve him. He'd make me food if I asked too because he loves me. He will grill me burgers and steaks and we'll catch salmon in our river and cook it on a cedar plank. Our house will have a ton of windows. It will have a movie room for about 8 people. It will also have a secret panic room/bomb shelter that I'm not going to say a lot about because it's a secret and we don't want the zombies to know where we are when the zombie apocalypse happens. We will have a giant garage thing for our cars below the house. It can lift one car up into the living room. It's like our car show room thing. I don't really know, this is Jared's part. But his workshop will be down there somewhere with all his and our wonderful cars as well. 

Our cars will consists of at least two Mustangs, one or two Jeeps, a truck or two, and some really fancy car like a Ferrari, and Jared's favorite, the Aston Martin. The mustangs will be red and maybe blue, with racing stripes. Shelby's, of course. Oh, and we'll have a retro Corvette- a 1969 Stingray. The Jeeps will be awesome and fun to ride around our property in. The trucks will just be necessary for where we live, but still super awesome and huge. And a Ferrari to show how rich we are. Duh. 

We'll have some horses and cute miniature cows as pets. And some ducks and kittens. A few turtles. Maybe an elephant? Is that legal? Oh well. We'll have a wiener dog named Spud and a beagle and a Rat Terrier. 

We'll have a maid to take care of the smelly pets and clean our giant house. Ain't nobody with our high paying jobs got time for that!

When we feel like it we'll have kids. Hopefully first we'll have a boy. His name will be Sam. That's a family name of Jared's. His middle name might be Lee because that's a family name of mine, but I might save it for the girl. He'll play soccer and be nice to girls and learn to play the guitar. He'll look out for his little sister(s). Next we'll have a girl. Her name would be Annie or Averie or Andrea-Andie for short. We haven't really decided, but I mean, we're only 17. I think we have a while to figure it out. But I like all of those names. We might have one more kid if we feel like it, we don't really care if it's a boy or a girl. They'll all be in sports if they want, but I'll encourage them not to ever get too competitive and show them that their life really does not depend on whether they win or lose a game. They will learn to play at least one instrument. Probably guitar or drums or piano because those are really the only useful ones unless you're going to be in marching band. When they're old enough they'll all have decently nice cars and will be perfect children. We will be great parents. Jared will be a better parent than me. I have no idea how to deal with kids. He's had four younger siblings to watch out for. He'll be a natural and perfect dad. Our kids will be beautiful. They'll have our dark curly hair, and hopefully their father's tan skin and blue eyes. They'll probably be kinda short, but that's okay I think. 

We'll spend a lot of time with our kids and also just each other. We will always have dates: that won't stop once we're married. We will be successful workers but still always go to church together just like we have since we were born practically. Everything we've thought of may not work out perfectly how we planned, but our lives together will still be as perfect as two people's lives together can be. 

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