Tuesday, February 26, 2013


It's always been a dream of mine to see as many places as I can in my lifetime. 

We're only given a certain amount of time on this Earth and I want to soak up as much of it as I can. I want to go to places like the Maldives, Barcelona, Cairo, Sao Paulo, Paris, Sydney;the list goes on and on. Like the age-old saying goes, "life's too short to waste away your time monotonously going through the same routine, day in and day out and never actually enjoying it." Or something like that. And for all the people that say they enjoy their jobs, you can't tell me you wouldn't rather be relaxing on a beach somewhere or hiking through the Grand Canyon or exploring an Alaskan wilderness.

The easiest way to achieve this dream would be to win the lottery, obviously. However, we can't all be that person (unfortunately), but (fortunately) there's a plan B! You can get rich through good ole'-fashioned hard work. However, hard work tends to take a long time, and by that time you may have children. I'm not saying you can't travel when you have children. But a romantic trip to Cancun has a tendency to become less romantic with a couple of kids yelling all the time and needing help going potty in the pool without anyone noticing. And children usually don't really want to go on a hike in Alaska with their parents. So for that reason, there's a plan C! You can get a job where you actually get paid to travel, such as a photographer for National Geographic or, if you're really ballsy and don't care if people hate you, a diplomat/politician. However, the latter of those options really wouldn't be the type of traveling I would enjoy. And there are a limited number of good traveling jobs out there anyway, but I think I could be some kind of photographer if I really wanted to. I'm good at that stuff.

So the bottom line is, I may not get to travel as much as I would like to in my lifetime. That doesn't mean I won't keep trying to get rich so I can travel, and that certainly doesn't mean that if I don't get rich, I won't still go on a lot of vacations. But even if I never get rich and I end up never seeing half of the places I want to, I'll remember that there are things more important than experiencing different places, and there are ways to enjoy life, even in the dullest of towns... Unless they're in Iowa. 

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