Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yo Snow, GET OUT.

It seems like winter lasts 6 months in Iowa.

And it nearly does.

It often starts in late November and sometimes snows until March. Even early April. My cousin in Mississippi is swimming outside by the end of February. But no, not me. I'm stuck in this wasteland of coldness for now. 

I used to love snow. I think every kid does for a while. Your parents have to worry about bundling you up enough, and you have more free time as a child to go play. You can make snowmen and snow-angels and have snowball fights and sled and make forts. That'd still all be fun (at least for a little while) but there's just not enough time to do it! It takes so long to put on all those snow clothes and take them off. I also hate the feeling of being hot and sweaty but also cold at the same time. Yuck. I hate putting on gloves. I HAVE to have my coat sleeve pulled down over them, otherwise snow gets in my sleeve and my wrists get wet and cold. It's just too much of a hassle to enjoy the snow. 

Driving in the snow sucks. That's something I never used to have to deal with. But now, I do. And I can't exactly deal with it well in an Infinity G35. Rear wheel cars suck in the snow. And I tend to speed up and slow down quickly, because, I mean, I drive a sports car and that's just what you do. I have to adjust my whole driving technique just to get around. And most of the time if it's snowy I can't get around at all! It's just too hard to drive that little thing, and I haven't had enough experience driving in slippery conditions to feel safe driving in traffic in them. So my dad takes me to school or wherever. It's hard to hang out with friends because I can't drive, and they sometimes can't drive. I don't get to see my boyfriend because he lives too far away to safely get here. If it snows while your car is outside, you have to scrape it. Which means standing in the cold longer.

I would like snow if it only lasted about 2 weeks, but this white, wet, cold place, my friends, is not meant for human life. 

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