Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Disappointment in The Beibs.

In 8th grade I fell in love with the cute little boy dancing around with a hoodie in Usher's house.

Justin Bieber.

It was his first song "One Time" that really gave the baby-faced star instant fame. Of course, people knew about him because of his Youtube fame-the videos his mom put of him singing in his Canadian home. He was cute and innocent, with his swooshy hair and pre-pubescent voice. He always wore hoodies and he always seemed grounded. He played sports and talked about how much he loved his fans and Jesus. He didn't grow out of his high-pitched voice right away, and some people hated on him for that. (Mostly jealous guys who were angry because girls were in love with someone who couldn't even grow a beard.)

But I thought he was cute, just like millions of other girls. I was one of his first fans and I felt like I had a love-hate relationship with the little fella. I actually liked his songs. He was the first pop artist I really liked. I had only listened to country and oldies before that night in 8th grade after a football game when my friends opened me up to the adorable world of Justin Bieber. I went in close-minded, hating it automatically for being pop. After they played it about 17 times, I started singing with it and I realized I liked it.... And he was pretty cute after all. Only about a year older than me too.

Since then, he's gained popularity all around the world. I think even if you lived under a rock in Siberia, you would have at least heard the name Justin Bieber by now. His fans are crazy, trampling people and Tweeting at him 800 times a day, just to try and be noticed by him. It seemed impossible for the boy to stay grounded, but somehow he always did.

Until now.

Justin is now 18. I guess he wants to appeal to an older crowd than 10-14 year old girls. But he's doing it the wrong way.

He is now recording songs with rappers such as Nikki Minaj, Kanye West, Drake, Big Sean, Ludacris, Usher, Chris Brown, and Busta Rhymes. I don't like any of these people. They're rappers. They rap about nasty and perverted things. Why would they be in the same songs as innocent Justin Bieber? Well, now he's not so innocent.

There are multiple pictures of him grabbing girlfriend Selena Gomez's butt, which whatever I don't care just don't do it in public and get pictures taken of you doing it. He now has 11 tattoos I believe, something "innocent" little boys like 2009 him wouldn't usually have. His cute swooshy hair-do he was known for, is now a stupid faux-hawk with more product in it than a girl at prom. He's gone from sweatshirts to bro-tanks and skinny jeans below his bottom. He wears gold chains. HE HAS HIS EARS PIERCED. I hate ear piercings on guys, I guess that's just something that bothers me personally. Anyway, what I described is basically a douchebag. If you saw him walking down the street with his "swag" and his crew in their douchey attire, you'd just roll your eyes thinking about how cocky they all are.

The worst of it of course, is the weed. There was a picture of him smoking weed in all the tabloids and news, all over Twitter, Facebook-everywhere. Then there are these STUPID teenage girls. They began cutting themselves to get him to stop smoking weed. WHY. Why would they base their lives off of some celebrity like that? No one should be that consumed in another person, especially a celebrity they've never met. It's so ridiculous. He also just acts kinda mean in public now, so I've heard. He used to go up and talk to random people and be friendly to everyone. Now he's flipping the bird at the cameras like he thinks he's better than everyone else.  Which he's not. His music is not near as good as it was when he was a child. When he was a kid, it was amazing how much talent he had. Now, he's just another fame-consumed star. What really sucks, is that he acts this way, and then has a Jesus tattoo and tells everyone what a great Christian he is. He's ruining it for others.

I'm just very disappointed in Justin. I had so much faith in him. I still listen to his music, I still watch videos of the old him, but now I try and avoid getting sucked into reading a whole magazine solely about him like I used to. He's not worth my time, and he shouldn't be worth that much of anyone else's. Fame has led him and many others on a downward path.

Justin Bieber 2009. Adorable.

Justin Bieber now. Um no thanks. 

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