Saturday, April 13, 2013

Django Unchained

"The D is silent hillbilly"

Django Unchained was a great movie. It was full of history and dialogue and action. I'm a girl and I actually like action movies. Not all the time, but I enjoy them most of the time. I liked this one because it wasn't fighting was mostly just at the end. 

Anyway, a short summary of the movie:  A German man (Dr. King Schulze) rides up to some slave traders, kills one, takes Django, and gives the other slaves a gun to kill the other slave trader. The German dude was a bounty hunter and he needed Django's help to figure out who three guys were that he needed to kill for the bounty. They go into a town, kill a sheriff who was also wanted, then make their way to the plantation where the three men are that they need to find. Anyone who sees Django is shocked because he is a black man on a horse and he is free. Schulze didn't believe in slavery so he said Django and him were more like partners. Django killed two of the guys, whipping one of them to show him how it felt since he had just been about to whip a slave girl. The main part of the story is that they were trying to get Django's wife back to him. They had been separated after they tried to escape together and had been caught. They were sold to different people and when Schulze found that out he wanted to help Django. They figured out the plantation Django's wife was at. The owner of the plantation (Calvin Candie) was also the owner of many Mandingo fighters. Schulze and Django claimed to the owner that they wanted to buy one of his fighters and they would pay a great price. Django saw his wife, Hildie, and they had to pretend like they didn't know each other. Candie's butler, Stephan figures out that they know each other and informs Candie. They end up all shooting each other. Schulze gets shot and so does Candie. The few people left take Django and then sell him to slave traders. He tricks them into releasing him and he kills them. Then he goes back for Hildie. He kills the few white people left, then shoots Stephan in the leg and lights the house on fire and throws some dynamite in there. It blows up, and him and his woman ride away into the darkness. 

It was a really cool story with some great actors such as Jamie Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, and Leonardo DeCaprio. They could have sworn less, and maybe not shown so much blood shooting out of the people when they got shot. Overall though, it was a great movie and I've watched it twice so far.

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