Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Job Question

I don't think teenagers should have jobs.

But this summer I might get bored. And I might want some extra money. Or money to save for my wedding some day. 

So I'm considering getting a job... I know.. It's a really big shock. I'm not sure how I feel about it. 

I've thought about a few options... And I should probably find out more about them. My main concern is the hours. I do NOT want a job that will schedule me to work during a time I requested off. My boyfriend is working as a lifeguard nearly full I have very limited time left with him before he leaves for college and I am not going to have my time with him taken by some stupid job. So. That's why pretty much any job that teenagers could have won't work for me. Those kinds of jobs are always scheduling you for whenever they want or people call you into work... I just could not handle that. I have higher priorities than some worthless job that pays $7.50 and hour. 

I've considered working at Starbucks. But my friend who worked there said the hours were bad and sometimes they'd schedule you for bad times. And I can't have that! However, I loooove Starbucks. I like to make smoothies and I'd love to learn to make their delicious drinks. I'd be a coffee snob, and know what everything is, and I'm okay with that. I'd see lots of people I know and that's alright too. I'd probably get really fat though. Just being around the drinks would make me crave them even more than I already do. I feel like I'd purposely mess them up just so I can drink the mess-ups. 

My friend has also offered me a job at her parent's warehouse. They own B&H Factory Outlet. They actually used to live across the street from me and began the business in the basement of that house. They are the largest clothing store on Ebay which is crazy. They have a big warehouse somewhere nearby and they have many employees. She said I could work as a photographer and take pictures of the models and mannequins, or someone who does inventory or a desk job or whatever else there is in a warehouse. I think it might be kind of fun because many girls my own age work there... but they're all from Linn Mar and are friends so it might be kind of awkward. It could also get kind of boring if I was just stocking shelves or typing in numbers on a computer. It doesn't sound that bad though, and she told me the hours are pretty flexible especially since they know me. Plus you get free or discounted Victoria's Secret swimsuits I'm pretty sure! So perhaps I'll work there.

Another job I wouldn't hate would be working somewhere like David's Bridal. I love love love weddings and wedding dresses and just everything about it. I love the emotion the brides-to-be have and hearing the comments from the friends or family they bring. Of course being one of the consultants would be the best, but I don't think they give those jobs to teenagers. I wouldn't mind just doing inventory of the dresses though. I'd still get to see some brides and I'd constantly be looking through all the beautiful dresses. Maybe they'd even let me try one on. I really want to try on wedding dresses... I suffer from addiction of Say Yes to the Dress and it's making me want to work somewhere like Kleinfeld or Bridals by Lori. (I'm watching that show as I write this). I'm not sure that they even hire teens, or if they are hiring at all. But it'd be fun. 

The main thing I am thinking about doing is interning for a photography company. Photography is my thing and I enjoy it no matter what. I don't want a job that I won't enjoy, and this would be wonderful in advancing my photography career. It would give me experience and help me in the future, even if I am not getting paid. I could learn new techniques from the other photographers and I would get my name out there for business as well. Perhaps I would get to attend weddings (which I would love) to take pictures or set everyone up for their group photos or something. I'm not really sure what all I would do. My only concern is that I would work Saturdays. That's the only day my boyfriend has off of work... and that's more important. I would love doing this though.

So those are my options. If anything else comes up I'll consider it, but this is all I can think of that I'd be willing to do. I absolutely would not work at a fast food place, or probably any food place other than ice cream or smoothies or something. I could not be a waitress. I'm way too clumsy. I couldn't work just typing in stuff on a computer all day. It'd be too much like school. I wouldn't like working at a store like Hy-Vee and dealing with old people who tell you their life stories as they are checking out. I wouldn't like stocking shelves all day either. Nothing involving not a cashier unless it told me the exact change to give back. So yeah. I really don't know if I want a job or not. I will probably find out some more about each one I'm considering and we will see if I decide to get a dreaded job!

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